Lives healed ...kept safe and saved by God and Christ in spirit and truth ...verity ...realness ! Roberta "Roberta's house...and thanks to God and Christ "
Jemima.. "Vision of my future husband... "
Robs " Rob being taken to the pool ... "
Attie daughter's dream ... " dream of trees ... "
Matthew ... " Matthews dream ... "
Chris... " A Mother's Heart Healed ... "
Chris... " I don't celebrate christmas... "
Sandra Davis... "and all I can remember is pure love and woke up... "
Alize... "ALIZE's dreams... "
mouthes of babes... ""Mommy, did you see God?"... "
Katie.. "Katies dreams... "
Loretta "in the fire of the care ..less ..."
Jackie "taken to Heaven"
Judy "Sandals ...not the church..."
Peggy "Peggy seeing the truth ...against the churches..."
Judy "In Judys kitchen ..."
Roberta "Robertas witness of the being kept safe ..."
Jackie " a gathering of people praising God."
Jackie "praising God at home"
June "sword of the spirit ..."
Roberta "Robertas nightmare of a blimp crashing ..."
Roberta "ground temperature readings from above. "
Lewis "god would not put me through more then i could stand."
Roberta "drive by ...and thanks to God and Christ "
Kaye "town hall "
Roberta "in the car ...and the fire storm ..."
Colm "then i got desperate and screamed "Jesus save me!!"
Roberta "earthquake for Roberta ..."
Roberta "thunder clap ..."
Jackie "Jackies back ..."
Jackie "Mountain Be Removed"
Jackie "Authority Given of God"
Nolen "Nolens testimony"
Roberta "out of the mouths of babes and grandmoms "
Laurie "fire in a dark"
Devin "JESUS dream"
Jackie "a dream in mid October about the war in Iraq:"
Angela "I just awoke from the most wonderful dream"
Abby "There stood Jesus Christ"
Jackie M praise God that there is nothing there to condemn me.
Debbie "Jesus came to visit me and he filled me with his Holy spirit"
Cris "We have to tell everybody what Jesus and the Father did in our lives!"
KKwp "Money and greed ...and wicked labor"
James "My testimony is this"
Michelle "you have made coverings for yourself that are NOT of ME"
Pat Oh my God ! kept safe and saved from abortion
Shaila Blackerby A few days later I dreamed of Jesus.
Jackie M Oh my God! ...a moose !!!
Susan When He Reached Down His Hand for Me--My Testimony
Tom Amazing Grace
Keith Only human ???
Hanna solution to problems
Roxanne Prodigal child
Roxanne your old tin shed dream
Roxanne God's will in your heart, mind and deeds
Bob Avatra The Criminal church
Bonnie Headley Thank Jesus for my Heart, Body and Soul.
Carolyn Auman Everyday is now brighter!
Jackie M cleaning the house
theron Put your hand to!
Jonathan "Christ LIVES"
Jackie M Witness of God's protection:
Jackie Miller The Realness of New Life The Book of Life
Pat Austin Seeking The Kingdom of God
Gayle Kleven Gardening Gayle
Melvin Ong thank u...
Pat Austin Witness of the Spirit of God
Dennis Hall Jesus, the Revelation of God's Truth
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