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God's Truth

the "church" is watching ...powering over ...corrupting


     Behold in a dream of the dread dead night season ...and evil beyond understanding ...as the world is ...upsidedown ...

     i was taken found myself ...shown ...to be in an eveil place ...a place like unto a ...was ...a huge "church" ...and it was self glory ladened ...in fine woods and crapsmanship ...(that came from robbed labor of the people) ...and overflowing with glilded glory of wealth and mans doing ...dripping with grand garnishments ...ornate and blellished as show the sickness ...of it all...granduer of franchizing the blood of Christ ...

     now ...now ...the place to look upon was this ...as one looked ...if one looked ...from the front of it to the altar of it ...in to it ...towards the back of it ...to the alter of it ...there were high ...very high and mighty garnished stairs that lead ...high up ...up and upward ...into the darkness of that altar of the place ...and roundabout and leading along with each stair that one would have to climb ...was windows ...grand and diverse colored windows ...yet no light came in the windows of the place ...for all was in this dread dead darkness ...

     and way up high was their altar ...so high that none ...few could ever step there ...not allowed ...for it was con..sidered an "holy" place ...

     nevertheless there are those so heartless ...so heartfull for "churchlieness" that they would make of a trailer ...a mobile ..bile ...home ...a "church"...and nevertheless stand in front of people ...in front ...of people and lord to them ...of unholy things that they "think" is right ...so long as it seems "right to them" ..even the most thought "humblist" ...place brags worse ...of it's own un..holy less ...so that even their clap board ...least place ...becomes precious to them ...as they temple whorship their way to hell....

     nevertheless back to the dream ...back to the "church" of the world ...churchers of the world ...and thier power and their own gory gloryness ...for all ...all and mark out none ...these have all ...all the same spirit ...of their stealing away ...out of the hearts ...the true temple of God ...who is Christ ..one for one ...precious to Them ...and all will pay the wages of it ...

     Now ..now in this "church" and the whoreish spirit of it ...though shown in the flesh is the same in the spirit ...for the garnished glory of it ...the self rightness of it ...eeeck ...

     Now from the alTar down down down unto the world of the worldly ...were stations ...given recognised by the spirit of the "church" ...and these were stations ...given ...allowed ...with in the spirit of the "church" that was upon the whole land ...and each station ...cubical ...was a group or church ...or religion ...or thought ...of Christ ...so long as each ...was under the "spirit of the church" ...the church did not care what their doctrines ...teaching ...professing ...was ...say what sssssoever you want about Christ ...only stay with in the spirit of the wretched church ...so they say ...

     and an burden eveil dung of ...the cauldren of it was given me ...and i was shown that i had a place ..."recognized by the church" ...and a place to work ...eeeck ...and a priest ...of the spirit of the church ...for they are all the same spirit ...as priests of the "church" ...whosoever they might keep their filthy churchness ...

     Nevertheless ...there i was in the world ...of this "churchlieness" ...and a place was given me ...to work on the WORD ...allowed ...tollerated ...Yet the churchlie ...watched me ...watched over me ...and closely ...hatefull watched ...and meanly measured ...as i worked on the very Truth of God and Christ ...

     and behold ...i looked ...above me ...for the "church" ...lorded over me ...or would "lord" (small l)over any ...

     nevertheless there was a little speaker ...a little speaker ...that took whatsoever i wrote ...plainly from God and Christ ...took what they had given me ...and twisted it to serve the "spirit of the church" ...and this made me wrothfull ...for the Truth of God to be twisted ...wrothed me sore ...and sore wroth was i ...as these little speakers twisted what i was given ...to serve the spirit of the church...

     and the "spirit of the church" in "human" form came down ...from his high altar ...and mused himself ...at my wrothfullness ...saying whatsoever you write ...we will use ...to serve the church ...and the spirit of it ...and at this ...i was ...i thought ..overcome ...for ..thought i who can overcome this spirit of the "church" ...eecck ...

     nevertheless i was taken higher up in the place ...to a place where the priest sat ..in his robes ...for they all have their robes ...of their hearts whether they wear them or not ...thinking themselves ...within themselves ..."if they only serve the church " then they will be robed ...worthy before God and Christ v...(strong delusion ...) of proud churchlieness ...

     nevertheless there i was standing in front of this high priest of the spirit of the "church" ...and he looked at me ...and i looked at him .,.as he sat there in his robliness ...and he was powerless to do anything to me ...though he would burn me at the stake if he could ...again ...and the same as he had done to any that ...brought the truth of God into the "church" ...for the spirit of the church hates the truth of God ...

     and i looked at him and said why can't you "stand" ?? for it seems to me that you have power in the world ...over the worldly ...Yet you can not stand up ...anymore ...not again ...and he showed me his affliction ...

     and his leg was smitten ...and sore ...and i looked at his feet and they too were smitten ...and Behold ...his body ...this body of the church ...eeeck ...was so FAT ...OF FATNESS ...that the skin ...the flesh that covered it ...was stretched ...so tight ...because of Fatness ...that it had broken open ...and split ...such was the fleshly "covering" of the "church" ...

     and i looked at him the more ...and thought that he might be healed by God ...and he laughted at me ...and said what ?? what ? so you think you can heal me ??? ...and to this i knew ...that his heart was of men ...for he thought that i ...only a man ...was foolish ...and thought that men ...men ...had power to heal ...and he did not know that only God and Christ healeth any ...

     and so it was that i i knew ...because this spirit of the church is of men by men ...thinking only of and believing only in the things MEN can do and do do ...by this none can be healed ...

     and i was taken in the spirit ...from that place ...of dread dead darkness ...and altarshi_ ...authorshi_ of men ...and the stinking thinking that leadeth to hell ...though they say Jesus this ...and Jesus thaT ...AND IN HIS NAME WE HAVE POWER ...AND HAVE DONE MIRACLES ...


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