First: The Tyndale was taken exclusively from copies of the original ancient manuscripts. Though the King James translators relied heavily on the Tyndale they also looked to other less reliable sources (see book graph) including their own institutional, religious bias. So the question comes: which would you rather read the original or something similar to the original?
Second: The Tyndale was recorded by true martyrs* as opposed to the KJV which was recorded by many institutional bible scholars of many different religions.
*Note: A true martyr of God is one who has offered up their life in the flesh; solely loving the Truth of God.
Third: One of the overall singlular messages within the Tyndale is that one be set free from believing anything not of God. Contrary to this the KJV lends itself very well to the making of an untold number of religions which by their very nature imprison folks to man-made doctrine.
Fourth: The Tyndale was recorded only from the Hebrew and Greek, into the first English. This recording has never changed. It was preserved throughout the ages, (by Gods hand) One Truth. On the other hand the King James Version is ...just that a version and has undergone countless revisions, written and rewritten to suit the desires of various sects and religions.
Fifth: The Tyndale is a plain and simple text. So clear are the messages within the writting that one does not have to be a high and mighty scholar to receive the fulness of what God is showing us. Would God write a love letter to us that we couldnt understand plainly? Looking to the text of the King James Version is another story . Even ministers people who reportedly have studied much of the King James Version cant agree. Look at all the different religions, dissecting the various bibles, opposing one another, arguing even unto death (as history records). Is there something wrong with the text that allows for such diverse spirits?
Would the universal use of the Tyndale be the only thing needed to end all disunity? No. Because the worldly leaders of spiritual darkness do not love the Truth of God. These false spiritual leaders do however love the traditions of men and their own understanding. Further these ministers of spiritual wickedness love their own high scholarship and ungodly imaginations of God. Thus as long as they prevail; the division of the deceived will be among us. Can each one, according to his own limited understanding, be right in his own way before the perfect judgement of our Father? Is there not one truth and one real intended meaning. We need to bend the knees of our hearts to love only the truth of God. And that we have no interpretations of our own, being submitted and willing in our hearts to receive and love the truth.
Every knee shall bow; now or later, before our Lord Jesus. Will a man stand proudly before our Lord justified by his own thinking?.. justified by church or religious doctrine?.. justified by ceremony or the chanting of some creed? Are there souls who feel totally justified before men; falsely comforted by spiritual deceptions? Be not deceived; for true evil is evil masked in good. Be quickened to the True Word of God for it is not corrupted by diverse spirits
Sixth: It is fairly evident to all those who take the time to observe that within the King James Version many things have been changed. Why would God be left out of places? Why would the plainess of Christ in the old testament be so faded out? Why would they change the names of the Prophets? Why would they leave some of the Prophets out all together? Why change the meaning of words? Why add books from the Latin into the Protestant text? Why put words in that are plainly not of the original word because they are not found anywhere else in the text? The Tyndale reads as one fabric from the 1st book of Moses (Genesis) to the book of Revelation. Yet the King James Version does cut and chop leaving us believing God was different in the Old Testament, different in the Prophets, differernt to David - Oh, and how very different in the New Testament. Yet God our father was, is, and will ever be the same. All are one God is the same throughout, the Lord Jesus is the same throughout, the spirit of the truth is the same throughout, and the word of God is the same throughout all time.
Seventh: There is and always has been only one inspired written word of God and it is being layed at your feet.
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