The first English Bible from Ancient Copies, was recorded by William Tyndale. This plain and simple record, angered the face of those that gloried in their own works and power.
The cross roads of truth lays at the center of the diagram. As Tyndale finished his recording, he was joined by two others, namely John Rogers and Miles Coverdale.
Very shortly after Tyndale was martyred, two other Bibles appeared from his recording. Rogers recorded the Matthews, and Coverdale wrote the Coverdale Bible.
During this time, the rulers of spiritual wickedness, sought the lives of all which might receive this truth. Inflamed by anger, these defenders of worldly faith, burnt the books as well as the people, by the thousands.
Of the three, Tyndale, Rogers, and Coverdale; two were martyred, one was to become a Bishop.
The Coverdale Bible, as the diagram shows, used Tyndales recording, mingled it with the understanding and imaginations of men. This produced the hundreds of Bibles that we have today.
Even the Matthews Bible had added materials, done in the hope of getting it approved by the rulers of spiritual wickedness. Daniell rent most additions away from the word, but to honor Tyndale, he left the martyrs prologues and some notes. Hoping to get back to the First Book, even these prologues and notes were cut out in the recording of Gods Truth.
Moreover, only the books rising directly from the Hebrew and Greek were recorded. Plainly, what you have beyond these pages is only the body of the text. You will see it has been only God, and only Christ, from the beginning.
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