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God's Truth

Worldly woman ...The robbery and the slaying ...

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     Behold in a nightmare of the dark season ...three robbers ...grievous and lusting after the flesh ...in the night season ...and they lurked in the darkness waiting to feed their lust ...for the money they had robbed was not enough ...now they waited for prey...hunting for the flesh of a woman ...

     And a young woman, that worked at night appeared. And I warned her to flee ...and not to labor in darkness of the night season ...not to seek wealth and increase in the hours darkness ...when the brickyard of merchants labor was dark ...in the darkest evening ...yet she thought my warnings foolish... and tushed me away ...and the witness that was with me ...looked at me ...with his eyes raised; as if to say: ..."she won't listen." for she has been taught to be foolishly bold ...as if a woman might have the stealth and strength of a man ...as if she was a man ...

     And another night came ...and the same scene played again ...three lurking evil robbers lusting ...after the young woman ...and this second night she escaped again ...from the evil that hid in the shadows of the night season ...and again she was warned more firmly ...counsouled again; to stay in the comfort and safety of her house ...in the night season ...yet she with stood again ...stood proudly against the advice ...saying " I am a liberated woman ...I don't want or need the counsel of men ...I stand as woman ...equal to man in every way ...and we have the protection of the system of man ...and our fear has been taken away ...and we take comfort in our own liberation ...and the system of man.

     Nevertheless in the third night ...As utter darkness consumed the black tar parking lot ...the three evil robbers fell upon her ...and had their way with her and did slay her ...and her screams were absorbed by the darkness ...the same darkness that taught her not to listen to the counsoul of men ...who loved her ...that same darkness was her end ...and by believing it she was lost.

     And no man was able to help her ...for she would not hear of it... she would not listen to the counsoul of men ...who loved her ...and all the mens weapons against evil were taken away ...by the counsel of women ...

     And the three evil murdering robbers ...raged still ...for their lust could never be satisfied ...for they were consumed by it unto death ...to the death of others ...untill their own death came. For they could not turn from the evil that had taken root in the "flesh and blood lust"of their hearts ...

     And a worldly peace officer appeared ...that the dread evil murdering robbers might be caught ...and she ...she had weapons of war against the flesh of dread evil ...yet not the will within her conscience, to do the slaying; that would needed to be done ...for she had the image of a protector ...by the uniform she wore ...yet she did not have a heart to enter into the evil darkness and the needs of slaying ...for she did not have any experience in war ...or vile bloodletting ...nor the violence required ...of wrath unto death ...that evil might be finished ...yet she thought she might "capture" these ...as if capturing them would be enough ...

     And so it was that she had two weapons ...one greater and one lessor ...yet neither would do her much good ...save she might protect herself ...with the greater of the weapons ...and I told her of the nature and darkness of war ...of bloodletting ...and of destroying eveil ...and told her too ...that I knew she did not have the heart nor stomach for it ...nevertheless the deeds would have to be done ...for to "capture" these ...was futile and only filled the prisons of the worldly ...with the unrepentant ...

     Now at first; she was witholding ...that I would have no weapon ...yet at the receiving and knowing of the truth, she allowed that I might have the lessor of the weapons ...while she took the greater of the weapons to protect herself ...

     So I took from her the lessor weapon ...leaving the greater with her for her own protection ...and entered into the darkness of the slayer ...for to make pray ...to make prey... of the dread evil murdering robbers... and evil darkness hung thickly over the tar pit ...over the hole of the city and the seen (seen) ...and I searched out the evil prey ...by the light of the Son that was in me...and found two ...still at the laying with and murdering of the young women ...and so consumed were they; that they did not see me coming ...neither did they see me ...even when I was upon them ...even when I was in their face ...they did not see me...and I wondered ...how is it that they do not see me ? As I am standing right in front of them ...in their face ! Yet they see me not !? ...and the answer was given me ...that these so consumed with evil ...care nothing for their lives ...and are blinded only to their lust ...for evil pleasure ...for robbery ...for murder ...

     Nevertheless without regard for "good and evil" as men teach it ...as the world teaches it ...I smote them in their dark hearts ...that they might die to the flesh ...as the wages of their wickedness was paid fully unto them ...that they go to the same hell they had brought to earth ...yet now in the spirit would they be ...in hell ...

     And that the earth be free of their eveil wickedness ...and the hell they had brought here ...hear ...what the spirit says to the wicked ...you shall not escape ...and it will be as forever unto you ...for in hell there is no time ...yet your time comes to enter in ...

     Yet there remained one more dread evil murdering robber ...and he was the most cunning of them all ...for he had used the others ...for his pleasure ...till they be killed ...and even used them that he might escape ...offering them as human sacrifices to the evil they all loved ....nevertheless I hunted him ...and made him pray ...prey unto death...and I found him in a place of pleasure ...a place where he took refuge ...a place where he would put on a "normal face" ...yet he would not escape ...for the black wickedness of his heart betrayed him ...in his eyes ...the windows of his soul ...and he thought to hide behind the windows of the world ...and to play ordinary ...to play normal ...to act common ...yet it did him no good ...and I looked upon him ...and he was hiding behind the money he had robbed ...and had build walls around him ...and thought within himself ...that he had escaped ...yet he was seen plainly ...by those that could see ...

     Now when this third and last robber...knew that he was seen ...by the seeing ...and could not hide ...he thought within himself ...my money will protect me ...and held his money over his heart ...for (he thought) the money will protect me ...and he smiled and mocked at me and the others ...over the money ...as he stayed behind the windows of the world (the legal system of man) ...and he danced and mocked the more ...taking delight in the comfort of world...and of the worldly protection ...

     Nevertheless I walked up to the evil habitation ...and through the windows of the world ...and through the money that he had robbed ...I smote him too ...in his dark and eveil heart ...and again without regard for "good and evil" as men teach it ...as the worldly teaches it ...I smote him in his dark heart ...that he might die to the flesh ...that the wages of his wickedness might be paid fully...

     Yet Behold ...his flesh did not die quickly ...(though he was smitten unto death ) and he began to destroy his worldly habitation ...and to lay waste to the windows of the world ...(as mans legal system breaks down) ...and when he had destroyed his places of worldly safety ...he burst forth ...out from his hiding ...into the light ...and he came out to destroy me ...and I (again without regard) smote him a second time at his coming out ...for in the light of the Son ...I could see him perfectly ...and he fell at the second smoting ...on the hard concrete of his walk way ...and his own blood covered the money that he had robbed ...and he layed there ...head first at me ...and a I perceived that he was still alive ...for though twice smitten ...he still had thoughts of evil ...as he layed there near unto death ...and so a third time came; that I smote him in his mind... that even all thoughts of evil be done away with ...unto death.

     And I looked around and the people were astonished ...yet the new day had begun and all the dread eveil darkness of the night was gone ...as the Son rose ...green grass took nourishment ...mighty trees stood ...clear waters ran ...and washed away the blood of the wicked...as the peoples lived no longer in fear ...


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