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God's Truth

Sealed by the WORD ...

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     Behold in a dream of the night season ...to be given before and Marked ...before a witness might be shown ...as to being "in the hand of God" ...comes a showing ...of this matter ...from God to me ...that I would show the matters to any that might receive ...

     I was then; within the dream ...taken to a place above the earth ...and again ...(as it has been shown to me before ...a similitude of this same appearing and recorded WORD before beiong in the clouds )...the Word of God from a cloud ...began to scroll ...within the cloud it was shown to me ...scrolling ...as it was the whole text of the Word of God ...and the whole spirit of the Word of God ...the whole truth of it ...scrolled ...before me ...

     Now did the Word of God ...of text and of the spirit and the truth of it ...increase ...widely ...and in all directions ...evermore and ever wider ...till all that I could see was the text of it ...the spirit of it and the truth of the Word of God ...all wide spread ...without end... in any direction ...and the earth beneath it ...below ...was in darkness ...even as the Word of God spread out in Heaven above ...

     And then the Word of God in text ...spirit ..and truth of it ...fell upon the earth ...as it was a net ...and compassed the earth roundabout ...again as though "in a net"... was the earth compassed roundabout ...by the very Word of God ...the text thereof ..the spirit thereof ...and the very truth of it ...held the earth ...tight in the net ...sealed by the Word of God was the earth ..

     Now I was taken close to the earth ...and was shown from above ...that the net was tight and sealed roundabout the earth ...just above the heads of all that lived there ...all that had life there ...for it was known: any that had life there ...their life was given only of God ...Now above the "heads" of all souls ...was this net ...this Word of God ...close above them ...and sealed ...the whole earth ...that none could escape ...saying plainly none could rise above it ...none could escape it... wheresoever they went on the earth ...for the Word of God ...the text of it ...that they could see ...the spirit of it ...that they might see ...nevertheless the truth of it... they could not escape ...and all were bound ...every soul ...so that there was only earth in darkness beneath ...and the Word ...above ...and between ...all the souls ...of any ...sealed ...beneath the Word of God ...

     And I was taken even closer to the fabric of the Word ...as it was ...so near unto the heads of the peoples of the earth ..and a single soul was shown to me ...and that soul was bracketed ...as it was in the text of the Word ...Marked ...sealed ...shown as captured by the very Word of God ...as it was held tight ...without escape ...without movement ...bound by the fabric of the Word ...by the text of the Word ...marked within the Word ...and sealed for destruction ...by the spirit of the Word ...for this soul was NOT moved by the spirit of Truth ...of the Word of God ...to a safe place ...but was found in that portion of the Word written ...shown ...and given plainly ..."of destruction" ...for destruction ...

     And so it was also shown me ... that all ...every soul ...will be found in the Word of God ...whether in the places where destruction is shown or wheresoever health is ...wheresoever the spirit of truth ... might be able move them to ...where healing is shown ...wheresoever grace is shown ...wheresoever mercy is shown ...wheresoever ...eternal life is shown ...wheresoever ...wheresoever any soul is shown and recieves ...there exactly shall they be sealed ...to the perfect measure ...of "the hearts of their souls" ...to that place exactly ...where they of the will of their own hearts is ...there ....are they sealed ...

     And a woman was shown me ...and she was trapped ...within her place in the Word ...and again bracketed and sealed was she ...and it was shown that she was a whore ...by the words that were around her ( the place of the text ...spirit and truth ..or lie or sin ...where she was sealed ) ...and not as a prostitute ...was she shown ...for she appeared ...no different than most other women ...yet it was shown me ...she was a whore at heart ...and for this she was sealed in her place ...the place of her heart ...where it was found within the Word of God ...and for her ...there where she was found ...from it was no escape ...

     Neither is there any escape ...for any soul ...wheresoever ..they might be found ...in the Word of God ...at the time when "The Word of God" comes to seal the earth ...and all the souls found therein ....nevertheless we have the Word ...in text ...in spirit ...and in truth ...and the spirit of truth to guide us ...to wheresoever we might be found ...of heart ...within the Word ...till HE COMES ! ...for the sealing time of HIS coming ....

     And of prayer and wonder before God ...I asked ...saying: " I know for I have shown ...there is to be a remnaint ...saved to remain in the flesh ...for the Gods sake and the earths sake ...that "the new earth" ...might have the habitation of peoples worthy before God ...and worthy one unto another ...through the works of God's Son in their hearts ...and of those remaining... in the flesh ...unto the glory of God and Christ ...that the number be small ...as I have been shown ...a room full out of a stadium full of peoples ...Nevertheless the question comes ...of all the earth ...how many will be saved unto God in the spirit ? ...and a number was given me ...383,000,000 ...and I said ...if these be those that remain in the flesh ..I do not know ...for it seems to me to be many ...and more than a room full out of a stadium ...Yet if I might ask another question ...where then do the souls go?... that are received unto God ...yet lose their flesh ...and remain not ..in the flesh ...for the glory of Gods sake ? Where do these souls go ...that are saved yet lose their flesh ...??

     And the I was told ..."I don't know" ...and to this I was astonished ...for I thought I was talking with God or with Christ ...nevertheless the ministering spirit said ..." only God knows where they go that are saved and recieved back to HIM ...nevertheless they are at peace and rest.

     And before my eyes the spirit who was ministering to me ...turned into purest water ...


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