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God's Truth

left sided man ...and the Rock...


     Behold in a dream of the day season ...and in a city of "man" ...in the heat of that day ...heat that burns up the flesh and fleshly thinking ...yea even every left sided thought ...

     and a man appeared ...though his back was to me ...and he spoke of worthy things and matters ...to others that were listening ...in front of him ...(though i was again ...still at his back)

     Now as i approached the man ...(who was speaking) ...he turned ...and i looked upon his face ...

     Behold ...his face was strongsome and clear and bright eyed on the right ...yet woesome ...smitten of head and ear and dead of eye ...dead from death on the left ...and he was to look at grieviousome.. on the left ...Yet and worthyeyesome bright and bold ..on the right ..

     and i measured the matters and prayed ...and so it was open ...that all of his own thinking ...left side ...going to the left ...was destroyed ...and smote from him was all teachings of man ...contrary to God and Christ ...and deaf of hearing lies ...even everso blinded on the left was he ...so as to no longer look to the understanding of men ...neither their scholiarship ...nor any understanding of men ...could he see ...no not ever ...neither ...for ever more ...for he was so sore smitten of mind by hearing lies and of eye for seeing wickedness ..and of face for turning his face to unworthy things ...on the left side ...and his face could never turn back to the ways and thinking as men did

     and ever so much ...did he turn away from ...spiritual ...teachings of men ...who of their own thinking and studious scholiarship ...thought themselves wise ..before God ...and walked ever proud of their own thinking ...so it was that this right sided worthy man ...has been smote on his left side ...as to utterly turn away from the teachings of man ...

     and his left side was death to him ..and he knew it ...for it took near death for him ... to turn away from the devises of man ...and his face showed the war wounds of how much he had believed in the things and doings and ways of man ..

     Now ...and yet even ...so much so gone was he ...that near death he came ...yet ...had God and Christ allowed ...in mercy that he might be saved ...healthy and living ...alive ...to the right

     Behold his right side ...as he even has turned to the "right" of God ...to Jesus where he sat..and still sets ...and has his being ..that is to say at the right hand of God my father ...

     and so it came to pass that this man ...had turned ...was turned and heart received ...of the love of the truth ...and now so because he had seen the war ...he did hate the lie ..and the spiritual lies and unGodly imaginations of God ...and Christ he did hate ...and was weary of ...unto death ...for the lies had brought him so much so near to death ...


     and i looked at the man ...and in an instant ...we were traveling together ...and i say swiftly we went ....and so swiftly that he became alarmed ...and i went the faster ...as we fled the cities of death and the understanding ...standing ..of men ...and the cities faded away swiftly ...for we fled them swiftly ...and so it was that we found an time ...where there was none city roundabout ...neither any thought of it ..or thought that might have come out of the city ...any city ...

     and trees began to ..appear and line each side of the path we traveled ...and again ever more faster we went ...and the might trees ...blurred past the windows of our souls ...on both side ...as it seemed we were being guided by the mighty trees ...to another place ...

     Yet now as the trees to the left remained ...a ROCK appeared on the right ...and a mighty Rock it was ...so much so ...that there was no measure of the Rock ...and the Roch drew closer ...and the way tween the trees and the Rock ...became narrower ...and still we were moving ever more swiftly ...faster and faster ...even as from the begining ...

     and the way became moreso narrower ...as we moved faster ...and soon the trees that blurred by on the left ...disappeared ...and we found ourselves ...on the Rock ...and in the way of the Rock ...for there was a path appearing ...roundabout the Rock ...made of the Rock ..so roundabout ..only Rock appeared ...and that became narrower and narrower ...till ...a small opening in the Rock appeared ..as it were a tunnel ..and swiftly we entered in ...

     Now so as it was that once in the Rock ...all things slowed ...way ...way ...way down ...so much so that all one could do is walk ...and that pleasantly ...within the Rock ...and an peace ...came over the two of us ...for there was no more fleeing ...for nothing could ...move or penetrate the Rock that we found ourselves in ...

     and nothing of the past entered in ...neither anything of man ...could be there ...and it was a most blessed place ...being in the Rock ...

     behold i looked ..and the man looked at me ...yea and Behold ...his face was whole and all affliction of his head mind hearing and seeing was gone ...and his face shined ...as a worthy man of God ..

     and it was shown me ..that the Rock ...that grey Rock ...was the mind of Christ ...

     and needs be ...a warning ...get the hell out of believing lies and the the unGodly imaginations of men ...and that swiftly ...


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