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God's Truth

Invitations ...

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     Inviting you to ...look see ...the Word of God as first given to man ...in a "new Language"... in English. What you are about to read ...if you receive it ...will change forever your knowledge of God and his Truth. You will find the Son of God ...plainly in the Old Testament...and Lord willing: ...see the matters of God in a different light than what we've generally been taught. You will see how man changed this First Word of God to produce the 100's of Bibles written for different religions and denominations.

     Inviting you ...to look and see ...the plain and simple Word of God. Within these final books recorded only for you; see openly Gods judgement of: Religion, churches, schools, nations, social ststems, work, merchants, counseling and all other matters that move in the hearts of peoples. See too the mysteries of God open plainly; about the last ruling country on earth, about time as God gave us, about the days we are in, and the plain Truth of the days that will follow. All matters opened for you and yours ...that you might have peace in conscience before God.

     Inviting you...that we might be mended heartward to our "fathers embrace"... for this cause; Yeshua (Jesus) himself has provided for us "God's First Truth" and has layed it at our feet. That we might be prepared by Yeshua himself...one on one... unto His second coming ... to live ...eternally with YHWH God: our father in the new heaven and earth ...and by Him only we can be kept safe and set free ... FREE: from the power of darkness ...free from the rulers of darkness ...free from wicked spiritual bondages of men...when we can say FREE AT LAST ...FREE AT LAST ...THANK GOD ALLMIGHTY WE ARE FREE AT LAST !!!


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