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The Truth of the "time" we are in ...

And measures and matters of The Truth of the "time" we are in ...how "man" ..."thought to change time and times ...

Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, how that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand year, and a thousand year as one day. The Lord is not slack to fulfil his promise, as some men count slackness: but is patient to us ward, and would have no man lost, but would receive all men to repentance.


     I was given in a night dream ...and behold i found my self on a darkened street ...of a small city ...and of stone and concrete and glass was most the place ...and an old building ...made of rock ...was there in the midst of the place ...and i was given to enter in ...

     and i looked upon the place ...and a mighty wonder come upon me ...for it was an old an well kept ...and seemed to be a worthy place ...of fine wood and tile floors ..and other such as ...was of times past ...

     now as i looked about ...more and more of the place was shown me ...and the stairs ...rose up floor after floor ..and each floor i looked at ...and each seemed to me to be worthy ...same as all the rest ...yet and more ...floors up ...each one looked to ...till there were in all seven floors ...

     and on the seventh ...was opened of the roof to the outside ...so that i could see ...over the small city ...and likewise was the city ..of these old and most worthy builded buildings ...some of stone ...some of rock ...

     Now as i looked around ...of each floor and then finding my self on the seventh floor ...i wondered what was this place ...and why was i there ...and i asked the Lord ...what is this place? ...and why am i here? ...and he said to me "this is your house" ...and in an instant i was in a mighty wonder ...for all measures of matters began to open to me ...about the house ...

     First came ...my owning it ?? ...what Lord? you know of the world of the worldly no one is allowed to own anything ...because all have to "rent" from the rulers ...even after the house is paid for ...saying plainly taxes ...such as has come upon us ...are our rents ...to the powers that are over us ...in and of the world ...

     and the more measures came ...for i was taken to look over the small city ...and a darkness hung upon it like a heavy fog ...and i was shown of the "counting" of these peoples who were sent to the "sight" ...God's Truth ...and a red light appeared next to the place where the numbers were ...that counted the peoples that had visited the "sight" ...and the red light there ...i did measure ...as to stop the counting of the peoples ...as they were being delivered out of the wicked eveil bondage ...of the days ...

     and behold ...i was shown ...youth being chased ...to be put upon and to taken ...for war or other things that the power would have them do ...and the youth ran ..and ran and were chased the more ...to be taken ...

     and so i ran to the stairs that lead down down down ...into the soiled streets ...and to see of the youth ...if any might come to refuge ...

     and the youth came ...those whose hearts were like unto mine son's ...and came the more ...save only a few of the multitude that were running all over ...and these few ...ran up to me ..and looked into mine eyes ...and me into theirs ...and in an instant it was given ...for them to pass and enter in to the house ...or to flee the more ...in darkness ...

     Nevertheless again of the few they ran into the house ...and found comfort for themselves ...on each floor ...of the seven ...

     Now i turned and looked the more ...to see if any more might come in ...and Behold i saw mine son coming ...with a friend of his ...yet his friend was held back ...by the powers that had him ...and i feared for mine son too ...

     and Behold ...a paper appeared in mine hand ...for my son ...and old paper ...like unto an ancient script ..and of this nothing had any power against ...for it was for mine son's sake ...that it was given me ...

     and after my son and the last fellow of his came rushing ...my son passed ..yet the other was caught up ...by the powers that chased after him ...yet i prayed percieved that he might also be set free ...another time ...

     Now ...as mine son and the others were inside ...i did follow ...and shut the doors behind ...and began to go up the stairs into the house ...and did venture each floor ..to look see how the young men were doing ...and they were taking comfort ...and resting ...and were at peace ...each on each floor ...as it seemed worthy of heart for them ...and again i walked ..up and up each floor at a time until again i was on the 7th floor ...and there ...was my son ..the only one there ...

     and i wondered the more ...and was shown ...only my son and i would live on the seventh floor ...and no others ...would come up there ...for why ? ...i was not shown ...

     even as i was inbracing my son ..and glad happyly ...to have him with me ...yet even as it was a roaring and banging and crashing came ...from below ...and outside ...and from within the house ...young men were calling to me ...saying ...that "they" were breaking into the house ...they being those of the powers over others ...who had chased after the young men before ...

     so it was that i ran down the stairs ...all the way down again ...to the stairs that led outside ...to the door of my house ...that opened out into the world of the worldly ...

     and behold ...a multitude of men ...of authority of the world ...came ...against the door ...as to break it in ...and to come in and to take the youth and myself ...

     and i spoke to them ...yet they did not hear me ...and i tried to tell them ...yet they refused ...and the more i tried to show them ...the more earnest they became ...to enter in and to do evil ...

     and i prayed the more ...before God my father and before Jesus my brother ...for the moreso i was frightened ...as these worldly unworthies ripped at the door ..and raged at anything that stood in their way ...

     and the more i prayed ...as i stood there watching ...more of heart ...than fear ...as the worldly unworthies broke the door ...i was astounded ...

     Yet stood there i ...at the stairs ...still ...and of prayerfullness ...stayed ...for all seemed lost ...including myself ...as the worldly powers had broken down the door ...

     and Behold i looked ...up ...and there appeared 1000 iron gates ...and all the gates lined up upon the stairs of rock ...and if any tried to even gain one step ...the gates would fall and block the step ...even every stair ...1000 gates ...and none could pass ...not one ...

     and if any so much as tried to touch or to break a gate ...another gate would fall ..and set it self in the rock of the stairs ...

     and so it was that i felt great relief ...for the youth and mineself ...for God and Christ had provided ...1000 iron gates ...for our protection ...


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