Behold in a dream of the night season ...I was taken to a classroom ...and in the classroom were all manner of peoples ...of all manner of backgrounds ...who had been taught all manner of things man ...and they were there ...and waiting to be taught ...of the things and matters of God and Christ of spirit and truth ...that they might know the love of God ....
And I saw the room from the back of it ...and all the peoples were looking forward ...some hoping to learn ...some expecting to be taught ...some waiting to argue ...being proud of their own thinking ...and holding on to only what they wanted to believe. ...and I waited ...
And I saw that they had been taught much of men... and by man they had been taught ...for the chalk board ...was well used ...and all the people had been taught of man ...continually ...for a long time ...and the chalk board was full of the teachings of men and mans teachings ....that all the people might only know the things of man ...according to the thinking of men ...and turn away from the teachings of God and Christ of the spirit of truth ..
And a man appeared in the spirit of truth and with the voice of God and Christ ...and said ...that IF ...any would receive the truth of God ...the chalk board would have to be wiped clean ...and their hearts open that they might receive the truth ...through whom ...the love of God might be known ...and all the teachings of man ...that were written on the chalk board ...fell on the floor a heap a pile of chalk dust ...a pile of dust ...
And any... whosoever might receive ...this chalk board the hearts of those that might receive ...wiped clean of the spiritual teachings of man ...that God and Christ themselves the spirit of truth ...can write the truth of God on anyone's heart ...
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