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God's Truth

Black rain ...of the latter days ...

And the measures and matters of Dreams and visions shown ...for all ...or any
whatsoever is Given is a blessing to the children of God.



     Dread deadly woe ...Behold ...weep rail wail ...comes the measure of the horribleness of worldly wickedness ...unworthiness ...wretched reaping of their own reward ...

     and for why ? ...for matters plainly ...the world be full of itself ...and nothing left ...only imaginations of their own gods ...or ungodly imaginations of God ...and the unrightness of every thought... desire ...demand ...of the damned ...

     and it is plain for the children of God comes the same ...exact opposite ...the blessed latter rain ...of truth and love of God and gifts in the spirit ...who is Jesus ...for to prepare "the way" ...a pure warm like clear summer rain ...gently blessing the children unto growth ...and to raise them to the Son light ...for them is this ...blessing for them ...

     Yet black rain for the wicked worldly ...of what ever heart they might seek of their own ...black dark dread rain ...of lies ...and lust replacing love ...and love masking lies of all kinds in the unkindness ...love even masking spiritual lies ...for the selling of the flesh and blood of Christ ...through ...struck through ...the temples made with hands ...and hands wretchedly reaching up ...as thought God would receive the whorship ...of the hands of men ...denying ...that Christ himself said not to do such a thing ...for all and all is of the wickedness of heart ...OR heart mended by Christ himself ...and none other ...against these that teach peoples that they can be worthy ...safe or even saved ...through the templish whorship of mens hands ...WOE and dread dead woes unto these ...

     Whom ye then ignorantly worship him show I unto you: God that made the world and all that are in it, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, he dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with mens hands, as though he needed of any thing.

     For again and Behold ...hold in heart and know that none escape the truth of God ...neither his perfect judgement ...rightness and oh so loved ..perfectness of his will ...no not one ...

     BLACK RAIN ...comes and or is here of heart ...of spirit ...of truth ...

     For i was taken to an city of man ...as it was ..much like any ...that any might visit ...yet taken to visit ..as it was this city of man ...as an example to any ...of any ...

     and it was like unto an normal day of any city ...and the goings on and the goings over ...and the comings and goings ...all the scurry roundabout ...of the activity of man ...acting nativity of man ...and none awares ...only a day like any other ...of any other time place ...or town or city ...like unto pathetic "pleasantville" ...or pleasant city ...of plagues ...unseen ...for the lust of the eyes ...lust of the flesh and the pride of goods ...had made them as though walking dead ...devouring only what pleased them ...and in this devouring ...they had their reward of pathetic peace ...

     Nevertheless and again ...nothing unusual as it is ...is of any town or city ...durning ...the day ...that day ...

     and i looked over the city that i was brought to visit ...and the masked pleasantness of "pleasantville" appeared ...their purchased peace of pleasures and politically correct politeness ...of imagined perfection ...purchased paradox ...of their perfectly pretended ...haven of their own worldly thoughts ...heaven of flesh ...that masked the heavy hell they had brought upon themselves ...again ...they loved it of heart ...and so it came ...and heaps of paper and numbers came that they imagined as wealth ...came ...and all were ...in their pretended peace and purchased freedumb ...

     and YEEEECK ...and i say i can not of writing ...record ...the wretchedness of what rose up in the city ...in the heart ...of the city ...for a darkness rose up ...like an volcano ...of only darkness and ash ..and rain ...of blackness ...like unto raining tar ...hot stinking sticky tar ...as fine as a mist ...and within the mist ...like unto an acid ...of sulfur ...and the blackest of rain fell on the city ...as it heaved in its death throws ...like final quivering ...and spasms ...of the dieing ...eyes wide open ...glassed ...and glossed over ...looking only into darkness ...as the flesh kicked its last shudder ...thus was like the city and the "in"habitors thereof ...as i was shown ...when i visited the city ...

     and i was given of heart to helps ...for any of the peoples ...yet few would hear anything ...yet went about according to their own thinking ...and sought safety according to their own understanding ...till all that they knew or could imagine ...could not help them ...then ...some a few would walk ...or might listen to worthy words of truth ...for an way to ...escape ...yet they only sought to escape ...and sought not "the way" ...only any way ...whatsoever way ...they sought to escape ...only there was no escape for any ...or so it seemed ...

     and men alone were fainty like overcome womans ...even the strongest of men ...yet where two or more gathered together in the black rain ...then they thought in themselves to have power ...and so became mean on forcing upon any others ...least they run into another group larger than theirs... then they would submit to the more powerfull group ...as woesome women again ...fainty and wining and wailing for their wretched lives ...

     Nevertheless i went about the ways of the city ...to tell the people to seek covering from the black rain in truth ...yet they saw only to cover themselves with things of the world and to take shelter in place built with hands ...and in their own houses many thought they were safe or saved from the black rain ...

     and yet the more i went about ...to say the more to head to the high ground of truth ...yet none ...though some seemed to hear ...none ...took to heart ...only sought to save themselves ...according to their own thinking...understanding ...or believing ...

     and many took took upon themselves weapons ...against the flesh of others ...and thought to defend themselves which such ...yet no weapons worked ...flesh against flesh of bone against bone ....

     Nevertheless the womans ...were most afraid of all ...for by the fear of any man to die ...a man thought to take his pleasure first of any woman ...yet i tried to helps the womans ...for to say to them to be as manly of truth and courage ...and to cover themselves like men in truth ...and to likewise ...escape ...

     Yet of none could i speak so that they would hear me ...no for they used the pleasures that they might offer any man... to comfort the meanness out of him ...and so to find favor in his sight and protection ...against others by his meanness ...and so it was that i thought ...there is none that i might help ...

     and so it was that i discerned to leave the city ...for none would come out ...and the measure of the darkness was increasing ...and overcoming all the houses and buildings and temples of men ...so that it was plain and simple thing that the black rain ....of lies and death ...would in fact reign in the city till it was all in covered of the blackness of the wrath of rain ...

     and so it was that i was given to leave the city ...and that with out regard ...for none ...not one ...of any would ...escape in truth ...so i began to run ...and that to high ground ...as it appeared to me to be ...again as it appeared to me to be ...that is the way i ran ...and that most swiftly ...for the city was being consumed of its own darkness that reigned upon it ...

     Now as i ran ...through the black rain ...that took the breath away ...and cover the eyes ...of any ...so they could not see even that they were dieing ...as i ran for life ...to escape ...

     Behold a woman ...ran up behind me ...and astounded me ...as she grabbed my hand from behind ...and i tried to loosen myself from her grip ...(for i thought her to be as Lots wife ...another of the womans covered in darkness) yet she withstood ...me ...and stayed the way holding on to my hand ...and i turned and looked at her and Behold she dressed in white...

     and i looked upon her ...and was astounded ...and was no way she would loosen her grip on me ...and i asked her why so did you chase after me and why do you hold on to me ?...and she said ...of herself ...she said ...she looked and saw that ...of all men...that gathered up ...for their own protection ...in this blackness of death ...as though they had power with and of one another ...said she ...you ...you were not as these ...yet you told them to seek shelter in truth ...and you stayed the course ...as if alone ...yet you did not appear to be alone ...as if you were protected by another that was unseen ...and this is the reason and the why for that i have grabbed onto you ...

     and so it was that i ran the more ...with this woman of white holding on ...for now it was that to escape was not for mine own sake ...yet for her also ...and i wondered a mighty wonder how she had been kept so white ...in such as it was this blackest rain ...reign ...of death ...upon the cities of men ...

     Now again as i ran with her holding on to mine arm ...my right arm ...she did move her hand upon me ...and i was astounded ...for it was as though her touch ...showed her love for me ...only in this slightest touch ...of the moving of her hand upon mine arm ...and for a moment i stopped ...and turned to look into the windows of her soul ...and saw Behold ...it was true she loved me ...and i was astounded the more for God had shown me this ...and then was i moved also of heart for her...and not as if to allow to her hold on to me ...Yet astounded ...i moved my hand to hold her ...so it was not she any more that had to suffer holding on to me ...yet so she would have comfort that i would hold on to her and never to let harm nor hurt to come upon her ...holding her of my heart and right arm ...and not of mine right arm only ...

     and so it was that we ran together ...now more happy than fleeing ...for of truth and love ...all measures of evil changed ...as we escaped together ...we were most comforted by the love we shared in truth ...before God and Christ ...

     Nevertheless ...in an instant ...as we ran to the highest ...place .... even as it was in the dream ...worse was shown us ...and i measure ...that it was for any sake ...to see also ...to avoid ...for what was about to be opened to us ...was and is the worse of any measure that God and Christ had ever shown me afore ...even hell seemed of remembrance to be more ...pleasant than what we about to be shown ....


(mark this if you be fainty ...having not the courage of truth in hard things ...)

READ NO FURTHER...for it is a very hard matter that i will record for those given to receive and not for the gentle spirits who have not been given to look upon the hard things and matters of and upon the days we are in )

     For behold as the woman in white and mineself ...were raised up ...to see ...on ground of the highest ...we looked down ...to see the matters that might be shown us ...and horrible beyond recording and dread weakness of fear ...was shown us ...so horrible that most of Heaven shook ...for it was the worse of all eveil as it was the last of it ...

     again not to be looked to by any not given to see ...of the hard horrible matters to be opened ...upon the unGodly ...

     For below ...we were shown ...as it was a man ...fleeing ...man fleeing ...and i say of truth ...he was the most horrible ...stricken man ...i have even been shown ...(and i have been shown souls in hell) ...Yet OH my father God !! OH my brother Jesus !! Oh how stricken is he ...and to look upon him it was as though my whole soul ached ...

     for he had come down from the high places of the world ...and was as though hung with rags ...that were before were as high suits ...yet now only rags ...stinking ...worn grey and dark stinking rags ...of filth ...barely covering his flesh ...and i tried to turn from looking at him ...yet was withstood ...for the measures and matters sake ...

     eeeeeck and sore eeeck !!! ...as he came nearer i was shown ...he ran on stubs of feet for his feet were as burnt off ...from the paths he had taken in the world of the world ...

     even was his hands burnt to nubs ...and of no use to him ...for the eveil he had put his hand to ...in and of the world ...for whatsoever eveil reason he had done what he had done ...

     and his body was as though transparent ...as flesh color ...lost in boiling ...and of what flesh remained upon his bones ...it was gnarled and twisted ...and scared and smelled of rot...as it was his flesh consumed ...to the same measure as he had consumed others flesh ....was plain ...and woesome wretched horrible beyond what i though i could stand to look upon ...

     Now as he came nearer ...i was to look upon his face ...and could but barely stay the sight of him ...yet ...the same i was withheld from turning away ...for his face was as though mostly gone of boiled twisted gnarled flesh ...as it was on his left side ...eye was blind and dead ...and hung there in the socket of his head ...like a festering round sore ...for the lust of the eye that he had ...for all things of the world ...and the eveil he had looked to accomplish ...all the days of his life ...

     and left side mouth was and though a wound ...and not a mouth ...and it to hung open ...and like an sore oozing bile and puss and blood ...from the eveil he had spoken ...bringing lies and death and evil to the ears of others ...for his own pride and gain sake ...

     neither was there any hair on his bald scared head ...on the left of him ...yet only ...scabs and sores and wounds ...and cancers and ulcers ...and filth and foul knots ...of twisted flesh ...of all the wicked thoughts and unGodly imaginations he "inner"tained ...every each one ...had come from his own thinking deep in his wretched brain ...and now broke forth from his hard ...stone hard skull ...and cracked it and festered evil wounds upon his head ...

     and i was astounded and weak of trembling at the seeing of this man ...and prayed to escape as he drew nearer unto me ...(for the woman of white of heart was behind me... suffered to not look on him ) ...

     Nevertheless ...the man came to me the closer ...and so near as to look me in the eyes ...

     and Behold i was astounded the more ...for just around his right eye ...and right cheek of his jaw ...and right side of his mouth ...only of these small areas was his face right ...whole ..and clear ...

     and he looked at me ...in my face ...eye to eye ...and his right eye was clear ...as i looked into it ...as to look into this last light of his soul ...

     and his mouth trembled to speak ...and out of the right side ...of lips ...still healthy ...he said "don't seek the high ground of the world" and "tell all and any the same avoid seeking any high thing of the world" ...

     and i prayed ...for the measures and matters ....and yet was silence of a space of time ...

     then i asked the man the more ...saying: "what is the high ground of the world that i see you have come down from ?" ...and he without speaking ...only pointed with his stump of hand ...pointed to the place where he had come down from ...the place behind him ...the place that was now behind him ...

     and i looked and in an instant ...i was shown whereof the man had come ...

     the high hill behind him ...and Oh my God ...father !!! ...Oh Jesus ...my saving !!! what was shown me was this ...hell opening ...yeeeeeck !!!!

     as hell was shown me ...i became the more now weak with fear ...for any ...for it rose up ...like a gaping wound ...or womb ...of the world of the worldly ...and souls crawled out of it like unto maggots ...and scalded vermin ...of what was left of their flesh they came ...out of hell and the stench of it rose up to the nostrils of God and Christ ...

     and the whole place was as to look upon as worse than any thing i had ever been shown afore ...such as it is shown of the hell ...that man makes of the world of the worldly ...as more raise hell it raises the more ...tell the gaping mouth of it spews out over the face of the world ...

     and i was shown a fluttering ...flicking and flapping ...as though invisible ...yet just slightly seen ...blackness a flickering ...through the air over the whole place ...

     and i knew in an instant ...(for i had been shown before of truth) ...that it was the angel of death ...and his darkness to a finish thereof ...

     for as it is ...the last to be destroyed ...this hell... man has made and death dead ...he brought upon himself ...yet as it comes to fullness before the finish ...no man has ever seen the horribleness of it ...

     and to the praise and right mercy of God and Christ ...i was shown ...and so shown as to weep ...of their mercy ...and grace ...

     for the man who had suffered hell ...this one shown me ...upon him God and Christ had mercy and delivered him ...to health again ...for the heart of his warning ...that any might turn from the place where he had been ...

     for he knew he had went there by his own walking in darkness ...by his own works of his hands ...by his own thinking and innertaining death and darkness ...

     for he knew ...that he had brought upon himself ...all these things ...for all the days of his life he was warned ....yet he stayed the evil path and would not turn from it even unto pain and death ...

     Yet i weeped ...for God and Christ had shown him mercy ...and weeped at the perfect rightness of their judgement ...even on such a one... that might make mention of any rightness ...after the suffering of his own hell ...

     and came to remembrance of Christs mercy on the man that hung on the cross near to him ...as his last words were to say God and Christ were right ...


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