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alien human monster...

And measures and matters of The Truth of the "time" we are in ...how "man" ..."thought to change time and times ...

Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, how that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand year, and a thousand year as one day.

The Lord is not slack to fulfil his promise, as some men count slackness: but is patient to us ward, and would have no man lost, but would receive all men to repentance.


     Behold in a dread nightmare of the dark season ...of the times and time ..of the season of man ...see son of man ...

and i was taken and shown a monster of "human" form ...

and the feet of it was shown me...

and the feet were large and had pads upon the bottom ...

and the skin there of was like thin ...

even as though very thin ...

even as though translucent ...to see beneath the skin ...

and beneath the skin was like disks ...where electrodes might be...

and then the face was shown ...like the face of a man ...

Yet like the eyes of an animal ...flickering and darting a look all roundabout ...

and again the skin was thin ...translucent like of the feet ...

and again the under the skin was disks ...that might receive signals ...or such ...

and the creature twitched and moved somewhat as it laid there ...

and i was not shown if the creature could rise up or walk ...

Nevertheless it would have to be covered somewhat to hide the appearance of being ...being a creature of human form ...

or an alien.


and scripture came back to remembrance ...



    When ye therefore shall see the abomination that betokeneth desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place: let him that readeth it, understand it. Then let them which be in *Jury, fly into the mountains. And let him which is on the house top, not come down to fetch anything out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field, return back to fetch his clothes. Woe shall be in those days to them that are with child, and to them that give suck. But pray that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, nor shall be. Ye and except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the chosens sake, those days shall be shortened.


God hath granted me to talk wisely, and convenient to handle the things that he hath graciously lent me. For it is he, that leadeth unto wisdom, and teacheth to use wisdom and right. In his hand are we and our words: yee all our wisdom, our understanding and knowledge of all our works. For he hath given me the true science of these things: so that I know how the world was made, and the powers of the elements: The beginning, ending and midst of the times: how the times alter, how one goeth after another, and how they are fulfilled: the course of the year: the ordinances of the stars: the natures and kinds of beasts: the furriousness of beasts: the power of the winds: the imaginations of men: the diversities of young plants: the virtues of roots, And all such things as are secret and not looked for, have I learned. For the workmaster of all things hath taught me wisdom. In her is the spirit of understanding, which is holy, manyfold, one only, subtle, courteous, discreet, quick, undefiled, plain, sweet, loving the thing that is good, sharp, which forbiddeth not to do well, gentile, kind, steadfast, sure, free having all virtues, circumspect in all things: receiving all spirits of understanding, being clear and sharp. For wisdom is nimbler then all nimble things: she goeth through and attaineth to all things, because of her cleanness. For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure clean expressing of the clearness of Almighty God. Therefore can no undefiled thing come unto her: for she is the brightness of the everlasting light, the undefiled mirror of the majesty of God, and the image of his goodness. And for so much as she is one, she may do all things: and being steadfast herself she reneweth all, and among the people conveyeth she herself in to the holy souls. She maketh Gods friends and prophets: for God loveth no man, but him in whom wisdom dwelleth. For she is more beautiful then the Sun and giveth more light then the stars, and the day is not to be compared unto her: for upon the day cometh night. But wickedness can not overcome wisdom, and foolishness may not be with her

      THE BOOK OF WISDOM Chpt 15

  But thou ( O' our God ) art sweet, long suffering and true, and in mercy orderest thou all things. Though we sin, yet we are thine, for we know thy strength. If we sin not, then are we sure, that thou regard us. For to know thee, is perfect righteousness: Yee to know thy righteousness and power, is the root of immortality. As for the thing that men have found out through their evil science, it hath not deceived us: as the painting of a picture ( an unprofitable labor ) an carved image, with diverse colors, whose sight enticeth the ignorant: so that he honoreth and loveth the picture of the dead image that hath no soul.
      Nevertheless, they that love such evil things, are worthy of death: they that trust in them, they that make them, they that love them, and they that honor them. The potter also taketh and tempereth soft earth, laboreth it, and giveth it the fashion of a vessel, whatsoever serveth for our use: and so of one piece of clay he maketh some clean vessel for service, and some contrary. But where to every vessel serveth, that knoweth not the potter himself. So with his vain labor he maketh a God of the same clay: this doth even he, which a little afore was made of earth himself, and within a little while after ( when he dieth ) turneth to earth again.


 I give thee charge in the sight of God, which quickeneth all things, and before Jesu Christ which under Pontius Pilate witnessed a good witnessing, that thou keep the commandment, and be without spot and unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which appearing (when the time is come) he shall show that is blessed and mighty only, king of kings, and lord of lords, which only hath immortality, and dwelleth in light that no man can attain, whom never man saw, neither can see, unto whom be honour and rule everlasting. Amen.
      Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not exceeding wise, and that they trust not in the uncertain riches, but in the living God, which giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy them, and that they do good, and be rich in good works, and ready to give and to distribute, laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may obtain eternal life.
      O' Timothy save that which is given thee to keep, and avoid unghostly vanities of voices and oppositions of science falsely so called, which science while some professed, they have errored as concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.


other dreams and nigh mares of evil science ...


" genetic engineering..."

item ...for your own discernment ... Food, Inc

previous nightmares ... of the genetic engineering .....

man and beast ...genetic manipulation

man... manipulating


"Lots daughters and the drunkenness of genetic engineering ..."    



"wicked science of the beast..."

"church of science ..."

"evil science within ...the wicked eagle... "     

 "monsters of wicked science..."

"mans science ...serving the never satisfied... "

"un conscience dung... "

 "central intelligence ...political science ...and the truth ..."

"more wicked science ..."

"wicked science of the eagle and the bear ..."

"dark waters of the world ...and a child of science..."

"organic physics ...kind science ..."

 "Right ...science."

 "Wicked science of man and the darkness..."

University "visitation" and the "science of man"...."human farming"

Homeless of Conscience












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