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God's Truth

Rich mans house ...

theron creteis@yahoo.com

     In a dream of the night season ...I was shown a rich man and his house ...and he had purchased it (purred and chased after it ) ...and bought it ...completely ...for himself.

     And it was a house made of stone ..and the stone was old and cold and the house of stone was built in pride ...and stood high above others ...and lorded (sm l) over the lessor houses of other men ...and dead vines clung to the cold stone of the house ...and on the vines no grapes ever grew ...and the house had many rooms ...yet all the rooms were empty and dread ...even though people stayed in the rooms ...and though each room had proud furniture in it ...and every thing and every corner was garnished to the pride of the richman ...again the rooms were like the rooms of a cheap motel ...and stunk of pride of goods ...and smelled foul of the smoke of the former owners...who also had burned with the pride of goods...

     And I looked and the man was in the lower parts of his own house ...that he had purchased of himself ...and in the lower parts was he in darkness ...yet he saw not the darkness for he had bought and brought in his own light ...the light he had purchased for himself ...by his own works ...and by his own hand did he have his own light ...and the light came from the power of the world ...

     Nervertheless the rich man in the lower parts of his own house sought to have clean water ...water that he could drink ...for he knew the waters that came into his house under pressure ...was unworthy ...and muddy ...and poisoned and and that the pipes within the house ...the conduit of water that fed the house... was also full of mud and rusty waters (with the teachings of the world) ...and harmfull to drink ...so he hired a plumber ...and told the plumber to replace all the pipes in the house ...that what came into his house might be clean and worthy to drink ...and so the plumber did as the rich man wanted ...and put new pipes throughout the house ...but the new piping was of no help ...for the pipes were still hooked up to the high pressure waters of the world ...and so it might be that nothing accomplished ...for the mud and unworthy waters of the world would still come into his house ...and through the new plastic pipes ...

     And so it came to pass that the rich man said let me drill a new well...so that I might have my own well ...and not drink the waters of the world ...but to drink only my own waters ...(drink in his own thinking ...be self taught ..and have pride in his own scholiarship) ...nevertheless he drilled an new well and it was very deep ...for he thought ...his own thinking to be very deep and very worthy ...yet the well drilled ...was drilled into the old world ..and went deep into the waste of the others who had lived before ...and so it was that his own waters were worse than ...the poisened waters of the world ...that came in high pressure to his house ...for he had confidence in his own thinking and that so much so ...that he prided himself at the drinking of his own waters ...not knowing that the well was drilled in to the heap of waste that had been destroyed before ...and that decay and death was the matters ...on which the foundations of his house was built ...and so he drank of his own thinking ...from the bowels of the world ...and had no higher thoughts than his own ...and was unconscience of any other thought than his own ...

     And he made a way that he might be able to stay in his high house made of cold stone ...and drilled another well into the world ...and it produced the blackness that every one wanted ...and he sold the darkness ...from the well he dug for gain ...and became rich by selling people the darkness that came up from the lower parts of the world ...eeech even the bowels of the world it came and he sold it and made himself rich ...by selling darkness ...

     And the only light he had was the light of his own thinking ...and that light came from the power of the world ...and when the power of the world was taken away! ...he found himself in the darkness of the world ...and the darkness was of his making ... as he had sold darkness into the world ...and had made the world full of darkness ...and the only days he had ...were those he believed in ...the days he had provided his own light for ...for he could not see the light beyond the darkness ...neither did he believe that there was any such light ...and he did not believe that he had any days ...beyond the days of his own light ...and so when power of the world was cut off ...he had no light of his own ...and the darkness of the world overcame him ...and he became lost in the darkness... because the thought himself rich ...highly valued his own thinking... and thought nothing worse of gain from selling darkness in the world ...



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