Now it came to pass that an youth of america...gave testiMOANy ...of his heart ...saying ..i will kill and kill and kill some more...(though he had never seen war) ...and kill and kill children ...womans and men ...for what "they" have done to those peoples in NY ...and said he i will die ...die die even eternal death in hell ...said this youth of america that you can live in "freedom" ...said he ...and moresoever ...he said ...i have done this: i have "IN" listed in the army go and to DO exactly ...what i have told you ...
and the spirit of truth ...gave witness to all the measures and matters of war ...and he still ...this youth of america ...said ...nevertheless ...i will kill ...and or be killed ...even hope to be killed you can have your freedom ...
and again the spirit of truth spoke ...even of the dire dread punishment of hell ...and all the eternal horror there ...and a spirit of love spoke too ...saying look soever to the heart ...and again the youth of america said ...and said he knew ...YET ...even still would he go to ...kill ..kill ...and hoped ..if to be killed ...that his soul served the freedom ..."freedom" he had been taught ...even requiring hell ...and damnation ...dam nation ...
Wicked eagle ...whose wings cover the earth...dam nation ...who thinks to hold back the waters of God ...and the spirit of truth ...even the spirit of love ...for what? ...purchased freedom? ...merchants freedom? ...exactly as much "freedom" as you can afford? ...freedom to whoreship any strange god ? or devil ? turning FREEDOM ...into freedumb ...piteous ...pillaged ...freedumb of the privileged ...merchants ...and merchants of war ...that teach and require ...this heart in this youth ...and have for centuries ...for the eagle has put his wings around "Great Britain" (Gog and Magog) ...saying to each gog is my "America has no truer friend than Great Britain" ...said the ruler of america his address to congress ...LAST NIGHT ! ..and see the matters shown to us before ...long before rosetta
Now and IF you might Still have troubles seeing the truth and the matters and measures ...NOW at hand ...and to come shortly ...Look see !!...the WORD of God ..PLAINLY >>>isles of gog and magog ... And read this ! for surety ...times ...times ...Gog and Magog...south china see...eyes of satan ...gathered together...eveil in china see...New Jerusalem and 7 lies ...
Truest form of DAMNED EVIL ...eveil masked in good ...patriotisssssm ...nationisssm ...merchandisssing souls that all can "IN" joy ...freedumb ...allowed ...ALLOWED...and LOUD the fat merchants and eveil ruling lords of the kingdoms of the earth ...hear what the Lord says to the eagle ...and the Lion spoke ...
National Cathedral to perform same-sex weddings ...spiritual center for the nation...
As the nation's most prominent church, the decision carries huge symbolism. The 106-year-old cathedral has long been a spiritual center for the nation, hosting presidential inaugural services and funerals for Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. It draws hundreds of thousands of visitors.
spirit of the beastly ... is one kingdumb of the world ...or the worldly ...any different ...than any other? ...and hell no ...for they ALL bring hell up .."the beast" upon any that stand in their way ..their WAY ...and do the same to each youth of their peoples they rule ...and rule over them ...wickedly ...spiritually ...over their flesh ...over their minds ...over their souls serve the kingdumbs of evil rulers ..unworthy merchants ...and false religions ...antiChrists ...anti truths all ..every each one ...
and i pray God and Christ over these poor deceived youth he did me ...when the evil merchants war ...was layed on my neck ...
and the spirit of truth stands in the middle of the battle field ...on the plain of the world ...of the whole world each prepares to kill kill ...kill and be killed ...full of error ...full of lies ...full of hatred ...blind dead (having accepted hell and death) though walking raging dogs of war ...on each side ...growling and gnashing their teeth ...ready full ...prepared all ways by those that rule wickedly over them ...their wicked spiritual rulers ...and their gluttonous fat ever "consuming"`merchants ...
and "Beast" ...the beastly ...evil rulers ...and the antiChrists ..false evil spiritual rulers ...are divided against themselves...unto all destruction ...and so much so that "no flesh will survive" ...unless God cuts the time short ...nevertheless know he will turn wickedness to his own good pleasure ...and even destroy some of those wicked cities HIMSELF ...(even as it is written) so all know was HIM that performed it ...
while the fat merchants ...count the spoils of war their parlors drenched with blood ...and the evil rulers ...count the numbers of people and the land they hope to rule over when its done ...when its finished ...and the more so even ...the most wicked of all ...are the spiritual leaders of hell ...for they can .. open the gaping mouth of stink and fire and death ...that hell is ...and fill its gut ...with the souls of "human sacrifice" to their gods...that are no gods ...but snakes that serve at the pleasure of evil ...rule and evil merchants ...
when will it end ? ...soon ...hoping to God and Christ soon ...that any ...that might remain ...might know the true freedom of God ...when Christ ...puts unworthy merchant lies ...spiritual lies ...and all lies of wicked rule ...and every thing ...every each thing ...unworthy before God ...destroyed and under his feet ...
and know that the children of God ...might hate the world... of the worldly and turn utterly away from it heart mind and soul ...yeee even the very fiber of hearts and the "reigns" thereof ...for they be citizens ...of Heaven ...and not of the world ...
Even so ...within the dream was shown me ...the whore ...who she is ...this america ...who tries to crawl ...sneek into the windows of Heaven ...justifing herself...of her own "thinking" ...antichrist preachings ...and all other pssychologies ...propaganda ...and evil speakings ...
Yet she is a whore that has layed down with the evel rulers of the world ...and even other womans has she layed with ...and "in"vited into herself ...every wicked and foul spirit ...and devils ...even giving them law and license ...lies and ..sense practice ...every ..every abomination her ...and dredge up even all the old ancient wickedness ...that God and Christ before had destroyed ...
and again ..licensed ...all protected ...all ...eveil and wickedness ...calling it FREEDOM...freedumb ...
and from her wombs ...came babies dead ...killed by her own hand ...more than all the wars ...of death and destruction ...yet she kills ...with out regard ...and justifies and licenses ...the slaughter ...except she keeps some alive in her "freedumb" ...for human sacrifice to her wars ...for evil rule...lording merchants ...and serve her antichrist religions and churches...that ceriMOANly serve up the bodies for her ...
and to measure worse ?? ..yeeeck ...not eveil enough abort the babies have human sacrifices to merchants wars not bad enough to "in"nertain ...(license) and to be innertained by every foul evil spirit ...and devil not enough ...
She sells baby body parts ...and eggs of her womb ...and the seed of her husbands ...sells the very seed of their existence ...
till the evil in her rises ...that there be nothing worth in her ...before the eyes of God and Christ and the spirit of truth not one thing ...
save out of her the mighty arm of Christ ...serving the will the will of God ...out of her ...getting the hell out of her ...He will gather and save his children ...the remnant ...
and raise them up in the face of the world ...that any might also join ...come into the truth ...that will set them free truth ...true freedom Christ ...mended of heart by him unto God our father ...
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