In a dream of the night season ...I was given to look see ...the antichrist the book of Paul: THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST PAUL THE APOSTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS... and so I did ...and here is the matters of it ...
The 2nd Chapter We beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord *Jesu Christ, and in that we shall assemble unto him, that ye be not suddenly moved from your mind and be not troubled neither by spirit, neither by words, nor yet by letter which should seem to come from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means, for the Lord cometh not, except there come a departing first, and that,that sinful man be opened, the son of perdition (utter ruin) which is an adversary, and is exalted above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he shall sit as God in temple of God, and show himself as God. *Jesu: Hebrew for Jesus
I would make no complicated study or chopping or changing of the of the Word of God ...neither will I offer you mine own opinion ...yet instead show you plainly ...and only what the Lord has shown me Himself and to the matters shown here...
First it is shown that there will be: that we shall assemble unto him...and what is this ? ...Yet simply that Jesus is here NOW in the spirit ...and has shown and proven himself up to many ...for there are many who declare this saying: Jesus saved me from death ...Jesus saved me from sin ...Jesus walks with me every day ...Jesus answers my prayers ...Jesus gave me a dream ...Jesus taught me in a vision ...Jesus spoke to me saying ...plain is it: that God and Jesus are REAL to these ...this is then the assembling unto him ...for it is God our father that chooses (opens the hearts that any might receive) and it is Jesus who saves (for our father tells us plainly the spirit of his son shall enter into the heart of these)
Second it is shown us and we are warned against being stirred up by those that say: the day of Christ were at hand. and I report that this very thing is going on NOW ...this saying ...the day of Christ were at hand. the day of Christ were at hand....the day of Christ were at hand.....that you might be suddenly moved from your mind and be troubled neither by spirit...and who is doing this ? Who is trying to move from your mind and trouble you by spirit... ask yourself plainly ....what "spirit" would trouble you ?...and the answer is this: ...those of the body ..of the spirit and body of the antichrist (antitruth of God) ...
Plainly then how does this spirit of the antichrist try to move you ? ...2 ways as the Lord shows us here ... 1) to move from your mind and 2) to trouble you by spirit
1) to move from your mind... if you receive it ...mark the warning sign ...and the warning sign is the word "theory" and any who would move you to an "theory" flee from them that do such a thing ...for a "theory" comes from mens proud and vain thinking ...and not from God ...and it is plain that those who hear from God and Jesus themselves not need to listen or be moved by the "theories" of men ...nevertheless mark those... that bend you to "theories" for they... one ... love their own thinking ...two... "neither by words," (vast publishing of spiritual books of mens imaginations) "nor yet by letter which should seem to come from us," chop and change at the Word (the diverse bibles of men ) to expound their mysticisms ...and three ...these deny that God and Jesus can and are able to teach us themselves ...thus plainly though they have a similitude of Godliness ...these are of the antichrist ...with their proud "theories of their own imaginations" do these deny the power of God and Christ ...denying that God and Jesus can ...and do teach us themselves.
2) to trouble you by spirit...if your mind be troubled will not your spirit be troubled also? ..yes it will ...and these do trouble your spirit... that in spirit might gather up with these and be professors also of the spiritual lies of mens theories ...that you be counted also as an speaker of the theories of men ... and a worker of iniquity even worse than the authors of such theories ...saying folks need to listen to these men buy their books ...and to follow their teachings ...least you be lost ...what error is this ? What horribleness before God ...for did God make us to follow "theories" of men ? The teachings of men? To say the Word of God is not sufficient? To say that God and Jesus can not teach us themselves ?? woe be unto those that say such things ...
3)Thirdly are we warned not to be deceived (by those that say: the day of Christ were at hand) and told plainly look for two more matters to come about ... Before the day of Christ comes ...namely 1) come a departing first, and 2) that sinful man be opened.
a) come a departing first...and what is this departing only the departing from the truth and verity (realness) of God and Christ for us ...departing to where ? Departing to the teachings and traditions of men ...where theses have made many diverse bibles of their own and a multitude of their own spiritual teachings if God did not tell them himself they made their own way ...and taught others to follow them ...whereby these might "think" they are safe ..."think" they are saved ...and are not ...and teach others to "think" and do as they do ...thus have these reestablished the hill alters ...and hill chapels and churches ..that were of old roundabout the temple of God ...and these God hated ...yet look closer the whole idea of "temple worship" was destroyed by the coming of Jesus ...for even the very temple of God (building) was destroyed and never allowed to be rebuilt ...yet these now go about the earth to build "temples again" ...calling them "churches" and reestablishing ...again... this "temple whorship" in Gods' face ...and justifying themselves all over again by their own works ...yeeesh ... will these religious and churchly guys will ever come into one God our father Jesus Christ ...ONE TRUTH, one faith .......? ...without the temple whorship?
b) that sinfull man be open ...what is that sinfull man? only the body of those who follow their own thinking and believing ...and have put themselves between the plain folks and God saying come join us ..come follow us ...come for we have the way to heaven ...yeesh and there are 1000's such that do this thing ...and have vast organizations and grand temples to whorship in ...
Are not these then plainly who have put themselves and their own teachings Christs place? place of Christ they have put themselves they with their diverse religions and churches and doctrines and cerimoanies they not justify themselves say we are the chosen? ...we are the way ? We are the truth ?... and at the point of the sword these not reign in the hearts of many? these not reign in the hearts of many?...and again these not reign in the hearts of many?...IS NOT THE TEMPLE OF GOD THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLES ? ...Is not the antichrist already reigning in the temple of God? ... is not this: ... "the son of perdition (utter ruin) which is an adversary, and is exalted above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he shall sit as God in temple of God, and show himself as God."
Have these not then shown themselves to be plainly the "body" of him ...this son of perdition..this adversary of the Truth of God (Jesus) ...who ONLY can save ? Have these not exalted themselves above the verity (realness) of God our father and Jesus his son ? not these all have their own diverse similitudes of Godliness ? And diverse manners of whorship ? Diverse doctrine ...diverse (die verse) bibles ? .....yeeesh is it not plain who causes division ? Are not the peoples hearts filled with the diverse religions and doctrines of men ? Is the earth not full of theses things ? .Is not the son of perdition already reigning in the temple of God? .
Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth: even that he might be uttered at his time. For the mystery of that iniquity doth he already work: till he which now only letteth, be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be uttered, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the appearance of his coming even him whose coming is by the working of Satan, with all lying power, signs and wonders: and in all deceivableness of unrighteousness, among them that perish: because they received not the love of the truth, that they might have been saved. And therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe lies: that all they might be damned which believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Is there not NOW a declaring of ...with all lying power, signs and wonders: and in all deceivableness of the earth not full of spiritual lies, deceiving and unrighteousness ...and have you not heard of them that declare the signs of the times their own "theories" or the claim of them doing of wonders ? Is not the world full of such claims ? Is not the image of it in the parlor altars (the television) of peoples houses (the television) this not where the "image" of the beast and the "image" of the antichrists ...are shown to the whole world? ...that they might believe the things shown them ?...measure these matters before God heartfull prayer through Jesus his son ...
But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord, for because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctifying of the spirit, and through believing the truth, whereunto he called you by our Gospell, to obtain the glory that cometh of our Lord *Jesu Christ.*Jesu: Hebrew for Jesus
Therefore brethren stand fast, and keep the ordinances which ye have learned: whether it were by our preaching, or by epistle. Our Lord Jesu Christ himself, and God our father which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts, and establish you in all doctrine and good doing.
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