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God's Truth

reality ...the love of God


     Upon a certain day ...came a certain thing ....a measure ...a certain ...sure measure of matters ...and could not be escaped ...no not at all in anyway ...yet captive ...held in the spirit and that in verity ...realness ...that none can ...could would or will escape ..

     Of what might i witness too ??? of what might i share ??? Plainly of wounds ..and afflictions ...and death ...and comfort and nurture and healing ...and eternal life ...of God ..and only by God these blessing come ...

     and how might we be taught ?? how was i taught ? ..needs be i would be taught ...that the verity (realness) of matters be shown me ? ...

     Comes ...comes came the most dread day ...of any ...most dread hour ...most stunning ...moment of hearing ...a shaking and a trembling ...listening like no other ...

     For that moment came to me ...in a time ...at a time when i least expected ...Mark ...when i least expected ...came that thing to me that shook me to the foundations of mine heart...the very fiber of it and the marrow of mine bones did ache ...and that wise unto death ..

     The phone rang ...For i hear the noise ...of the messenger ...and did ...pick it up ...that i might hear ...and came to me a sobbing voice ...saying ...your son ...and by name ...your son ...has been in an bad accident ...and he did ask for you to come ...asked if you would come down to see him ...asked for you ...He asked for you ...

     and in that moment ...i was caught up ...snatched up ...raised from the world of mine own thinking ...for nothing else mattered ...no ...not one thing ...not even the slightest of any one thing ..mattered to me at all ...save only to get to my son ...save only to get to my son ...OOhhhh ...and OH God ...and Oh Jesus your son ..OH help ...Help in all of all in all ...save only i had to get to God and Christ ..to get to my son ..

     and the wells of mine heart ...over flowed with tears ....of sure lament ...in the moment of mine hearing ...HEARING ...Oh the wells of mine heart ...did pour out ...and washed mine mind ...of all comforts ...of any and all of my own thinking ...for this matter gripped my mind ...from the stem of my brain...all root thoughts ...and to the back ...all thoughts of the past ...and to the front ...away any thoughts of the future ...GONE ...and not even ...even NOT the comfort of a wife ...could help me ...no ...not anything ...could ...help ...yet only God himself ...and he began to nurture me ...as of HIS son and my son ...

     i was limp ...of heart soul and mind ...before God ...and called out him ...

     For there was NOTHING OF THIS WORLD . that could comfort me ...no not one thing ...

     And Oh so woesome ...for my heart went out to my son ...and dwelt there in the hospital with him ...even so ...even as God's heart hung on the cross with Christ ...and i wept at the knowing of the love of God for his son ...

     and i wept at the knowing of the Love of God ...for his sons ...and for his daughters ...

     yee and swiftly i went ...to the highway ...and i traveled the distance ...going ...ever going to the place ...afar off ...where my son ...was ...where his son was ...

     and as i journeyed ...my father ministered to this father ...and showed me his love was the same ...and the depth of it ...

     for the love of God for his son and for us ...is the same ...and without measure ...neither in truth can it be weighed ...and yet in truth offered ...the same ...that each might have also within themselves this same love ...even all his children one unto another ...this same swimming in the love of God ...

     Now as i was traveling along the way ...yeee i came to the place on the ...highway ...where my son was stricken ...and neither could i look upon the place ...neither could i see it (for the tears in mine eyes) ...even as God the same turned his face away for Jerusalem ...and could not look upon ...the place where his son was smitten ...and i wept ...and knew the pain ...of God ...yet it is and was unmeasurable ...and needs be any might receive ...the same ...for it is needed ...to know ...

     and i traveled in heartfull tears ...till i came to the place of healing ...and even then i wondered ...i didn't know if i could enter in ...for to look upon the affliction of my son ...and it was the same as God had shown me ...

     Yet and behold as i entered in ...for a time my son was hidden from me ...(the same ) and the noise of the world ...disquieted me ...and the rulers of the place ...seemed as though to withhold me ...yet i saw my son from afar off and he was upright and well ...

     and when i finally ...finally got to see him ...he witnessed to me that ...i was a miracle that he had no injuries ...and that amazing to him ...that even at the scene ...three peoples that he knew comforted him ...and that even the authorities ...were somehow related ...to those that comforted him ...

     and he thanked God and Christ for his safety and keeping ...and i wept the more ...at the joy of it all than i did at the pain ...and i thanked God for all he had shown me and the keeping of my son ...and his son ...


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