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The Truth of the "time" we are in ...
low waters of the world ...and the jewish youth ...

And the measures and matters of The Truth of the "time" we are in ...how "man" ..."thought to change time and times ...
low waters of the world ...and the jewish youth ...

Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, how that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand year, and a thousand year as one day. The Lord is not slack to fulfil his promise, as some men count slackness: but is patient to us ward, and would have no man lost, but would receive all men to repentance.


     Behold in a nightmare of a dream in the night season of the season of man ...see son of man ...

     and i was shown ...as though waters covered the world of the worldly ...all soaked and sodden ..and the raging waters of the world ...dark and nasty evil ..stinking ...and like the waters boiled with anger ...because it was so low ...and going down ...and it was only a foot deep or so ...and it rolled and raged and tumbled and turned ...and churned ...and torn at anything caught in it ...or anyone ...caught up in it ...

     and the worse the waters of the world (teachings thereof) were dark and filled with trash and junk ...and sewerish ...filled with dung ...and the blood ...and harm and the hurt ...and the dieing and dead ...of the innocent ...and the aged and weak ...and the fatherless ...the widow ...and uncountable babes yet unborn ...

     and the worse within the waters of the proud ...for it was full too of animals and plants ...weeds and chemicals ...and deformed creatures and plants and genetically altered ...altared ...buy ...by the pounding progress ...or the raging waters for profit ...

     and i looked and within the most vile rushing waters ...were peoples ...and manyous and of all stature ...old ...young ..men... women ...

     and all of all were trying to stand ...stand up straight in the rolling raging waters of the world ...

     evenso many lost their footing and were swept away by the vile rushing waters of the world ...

     Nevertheless ...any so able to stand ...the waters ...in the waters ...were bound to labor in it ...and had to reap from the waters ...the weeds and trash of it as it swept by them ...

     and all of all were bent to that labor ...to haul out of the waters anything that might be used of factories ...which were also flooded ...in the very midst of the waters ...

     and the peoples labored and labored ...until they could labor no more ...and fell in to the waters and were swept away by it ...and none could see them any more ...

     Now as i was standing there being ...being shown all this ...i heard an evil rasping voice holler at me ...and demand that i get to work ...and bring in some profit ...of the weeds and junk and trash and dung ...that flowed swiftly by ...buy ...

     and i did ...and raked in much of the weeds ..and dragged them to the factory ...and there i was shown the process ...were they were processed ...

     and the place was like a school factory ...were the vile dung and waste of the world is processed ..and fed ...fed to the peoples that they might eat of the teaching thereof ...and are made into the things ...that are eaten ...or fed upon ...

     and i prayed within ...within the dream against such darkness of the world of the worldly ...that none escape ...and all are bound to the filthy stinking waters of it ...

     and the more praying to God my father and Jesus my brother and Lord to show me the measures of matters thereof ...

     and in an instant i was back away from the labor of the factory ...and standing in the low waters again ...and seemed that the waters were getting lower ...like the world of the worldly was running out of the vile stinking waters ...and that soon it would be dried up ...

     and the more ...for i was shown peoples fishing ...and most were of the world of the worldly ...fishing for the profit ...profit of their temples and churches and religions ...and they snagged ...trapped ...netted ...speared ...electric shock ...used explosives ...to catch ...capture ...bind ...hook ...any and all fish ...that they could ...and then they dragged them off to their places ...in and of the world and builded of the works of mens hands ...all saying they were fishers of men ...

     and i was sore grieved and wept the more in mine heart ...and became so woesome that i almost slipped and fell in the waters ...

     Now that woke me up ...of fright ...and i prayed the more ...to be awake ...to wake up !!...

     nevertheless and the more was shown me ...for i looked and there were another people ...another people fishing ...and they seemed to be not bothered at all ...not troubled at all...not frightened at all ... of the raging rushing waters of the world of the worldly ...

     and i was astounded ...for it was to look upon as all of all horrible stinking waste ...

     Nevertheless i watched upon these peoples fishing ...and behold they were able to catch worthy fish ...and the fish came out of the waters ...clean and healthy and their scales were bright and shiny and reflected the Son light ...

     and i looked the more and was astounded the more ...for around each of these fisher peoples ...around every each one ...were like barriers ...of hardened ...concrete ...like rock ...and metal of steel ...so that none of things that came crashing at them of the raging flood waters could hurt them ...

     and even more for when i looked all of all were happy fishing ...though the hellish dread vile sick stinking waters of the world ...raged by them ...very close ...

     Now and i thought ...of this open show ...was i being ...being shown ...the finish of measures of matters ...

     Yet another young men were shown me ...and i was drawn nearer to them ...and as i was drawn ...i was shown ...that they were jewish young men ...and they were also fishing ...and bringing in many fine and worthy fish ...

     and they were very happy to show me the ones they had gotten out of the waters of the world ....

     to be washed clean in the waters of God ...

     and look see !! ...a marginal note of the martyrs ...*waters of life = that is the understanding of the word of God. MN


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