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The Truth of the "time" and "times" we are in ...

... injuries within the schools of the world ...

... ...

And measures and matters of The Truth of the "time" we are in ...how "man" ..."thought to change time and times ...

Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, how that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand year, and a thousand year as one day. The Lord is not slack to fulfil his promise, as some men count slackness: but is patient to us ward, and would have no man lost, but would receive all men to repentance.


      Behold in a dread nightmare of the dark season ...of the times and time ..of the season of man ...see son of man ...

      and i was taken and shown within a school of the world ...

      and the place was all stone hard walls and and hall ...haul ways of shiny slippery hardness ...

      and there was a crowd of children ...going every which way ...pressing on each other ...pushing shoving prodding one another ...

      and there were teachers there ...above any and all the children ...

      and they were doing what they might ...some caring ...some careless ...(could not care less )

      and i looked and was sore astounded ...for many of the children had wounds ...to their heads ...and to their flesh ...

      and the blood of the children was smeared on the floors and walls of the schools of man ...

      even from every each injury the children received in the schools of men ...

      even every each hurt of the head or the flesh ...

      and it was like the children's wounds could not be healed in and of the world of the worldly ...

      and a few of the teachers tried to comfort and care for the children ...

      nevertheless the vile wretchedness of the schools ...was overwhelming upon any in the place ...

      and leaving the schools of man ...the teachers were relaxing in the teachers lounge ...

      and one teacher said to the other ...that they kept a gun for protection ...of the children ...agains the children ...

      and another teacher spoke of what wonderful things they were going to do ...when school was out ...

      and on the street away ...a way from the school ...two men were shouting at each other ...

      and the men were angry unto fighting and blows and injury of each other ...

      and why ? for one man had insulted the other mans car ...and puffed up his chest ...

      and the other man ...whether insulted over pride of goods ...or manly chest fullness ...was sore angry ...

      and the two wanted to go to blows ...

      and it comes to seeing ...of the television sets ...how the vile wretchedness pours out of them ...into the homes of people ...

      and floods of foul fighting and filthiness flow out into the streets ...and stains and stginks up the whole land ...

      even ...and worse the children of the schools of men ...


      and scripture came back to remembrance ...


      Chpt 4 Second Book of Machabees (excluded from most "bibles of men")

      [Chpt 4] This Simon now ( of whom we spake afore ) being a betrayer of the money and of his own natural country, reported the worst of Onias: as though he had moved Heliodorus unto this, and as though he had been a bringer up of evil. Thus he was not ashamed to call him an enemy of the realm, that was so faithful an overseer and defender of the city and of his people: yee and so fervent in the law of God. But when the malice of Simon increased so far, that through his friends there were certain manslaughters committed: Onias considered the peril that might come through this strife, and how that Apollonius ( namely the chief lord in Celosyria and Phenices ) was all set up tyranny, and Simons malice increased the same: He gat him to the king, not as an accuser of the citizens, but as one that by himself intended the common wealth of the whole multitude. For he saw it was not possible to live in peace, neither Simon to leave off from his foolishness, except the king did look thereto. But after the death of Seleucus, when *Antiochus ( which is called the noble ) took the kingdom: Jason the brother of Onias labored to be high priest: for he came unto the king, and promised him three hundred and sixty talents of silver, and of the other rents eighty talents. Beside this he promised him yet an hundred and fifty if he might have *the school of the children, and that he might call them of Jerusalem Antiochians. Which when the king had granted, and he had gotten the superiority, he began immediately to draw his kinsmen to the custom of the Heathen, put down the things that the Jews had set up of love, by John the father of Eupolemius, which was sent ambassador unto Rome, for to make the bond of friendship and love. He put down all the Jews and Liberties of the Jews, and set up the wicked statutes. He durst make a frightening school under the castle, and set fair young men to learn the manners of whores and brodels.

      This was now the beginning of the Heathenish and strange conversation, brought in through the ungracious and unheard wickedness of Jason, which should not be called a Priest, but an ungodly person. In so much that the priests were now no more occupied about the service of the altar, but despised the temple, regarded not the offerings: yee gave their diligence to learn to fight, to wrestle, to leap, to dance, and to put at the stone: not setting by the honor of the fathers, but liked the glory of the Greeks best of all: for the which they strove perilously, and were greedy to follow their statutes, yee their lust was in all things to be like them, which afore were their enemies and destroyers. How be it to do wickedly against the law of God, shall not escape unpunished: but of this we shall speak here after.

      What time as the Olympiades sports were played at Tyrus ( the king himself being present ) this ungracious Jason sent *wicked men bearing from them of Jerusalem ( which were now called Antiochians ) three hundred drachmas of silver for an offering to Hercules.





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