God's Truth

New Heaven New earth ...Headstone or stand on the Rock ...


     Of the times ....your head stone ...or stand on the rock

     In a dream of the night season ...I found myself in an community ...a plain and ordinary community such as is seen over the hole of america ...and the day was ordinary ...as a thousand times a thousand ordinary days are ...and people went out to jobs and about their businesses ...driving here and there ...driven ...here and there ...and children were snatched out of homes and taken to schools ...where they could be trained ...and trained and schooled ...on and on and on ...wives too snatched out of the houses ...to labor ...to pay the bills ...to purchase more ...to consume ...to take on more bills ...to work to pay more bills... over and over and over ...on and on and on ...consuming and being consumed ...like cattle ...till all be consumed...and the men likewise ..the same ...snatched out of their houses ...to labor ...to pay the bills ...to consume ...and take on more bills ...over and over ...day after day ...year after year ...as everyday goes the same day after day ...as it is a normal day ...in the hole of america ...a snapshot ...of the life that has become ...life here ...and all their houses were empty during the day ...and empty at night as well for the lights were on ..but nobody home ...for it was their cycle of life ...the consuming, labor, paying, consuming ...being consumed ...the cycle of life ...was upon them ...and they had all been taught this was "purchased freedom" ...till they became old ...and the cycle slowed down ...and they were unable to buy anymore "freedom" ...and the house became empty ...that house they never really "lived" in ...and when they could no more pay for their life ...it was taken from them ....and then a newer ... younger couple moved in ..and it started over again...and over again ...until they aged and over again they had their houses ...with the lights on and nobody home ...

     And the last thing that is purchased buy them ...is their head stone ...and the stone is put over their head when they are dead ...and they saw not the stone that was put over their head while they were yet living ...and that it would kill them ...

     neither were they shown the rock they could stand on ...so no rock could be put over their head ...

     And so it is; that heaven taught to these by the religious and churchly teachings of men ... heaven is just something after death ...and they receive their head stone ...having denied heaven on earth ...and have hurt the earth and the souls therein ...making it a grievious and deadly dieing place ...

     Yet for those taught of God and his son Jesus themselves ...Heaven is NOW and here on the earth ...and they stand on his teachings (the rock) and will have no head stone over their head (those that teach heaven after death ) ...and now while they live on the earth in the spirit ...do thes make the earth a new place ...sharing the gifts that God and his son Jeus have given them ...helping Heaven on earth to come ....that Heaven be here NOW ...as we live in the spirit of our Father ...being brought to our fathers embrace ...by the works of his son for our saving ...so it is that heaven begins now upon the earth ...for those that are his children ...

     And the new Heaven and new earth are not the the old religious teachings of the antichrists ...where Heaven and God and Jesus are afar off ...and the earth goes to hell ...

     Yet the new Heaven and new earth is this; that God:our father, and his son Jesus ...dwell among us ...and we live in the holy perfect spirit and will of our father ...having the spirit of his son Jesus in our hearts ...and it is the will of our father; that the earth be made new ...and be rid of all unrightness ...and by his power these things shall be done ...that the earth be given rest ...from the unGodliness of men ...

     Nevertheless my wife ...she and I were teachers ...in the con..summing freedom of it all ...and we prepared for the day as we have 1000's of days before ...the same ...and nothing changed ...and all was the same ...for us as well for others... day to day... year for year ...life of lives ...trading life for lives ....the same.. wake up... school, work, play, sleep ...wake up, school, work, play, sleep ...over and over and over again till the years were consumed ...till we wake up no more ...(or untill we wake up ) ...such as it is ...in the hole of american ...till all is consumed ...and this straightness and rule ...from cradle to grave... was taught to them ...as "freedom" ...and they believed it ...and we believed it and we all ...all bought it ...and it was "freedom purchased" like everything else in the hole of the nation was purchased and merchandised ...so was the "freedom" ...for with out money ...there was no freedom there ...for without money there was no life there ...and so heavy was the burden that all were surrouded by thieves ...and everyone so robbed ...that they had to become robbers and thieves themselves ...justifying the robbery so they might live and purchase freedom ...

     Nevertheless I was given a wife and my wife and I were teachers within this ....and that of very young children ...as babes they were ...as babes these are ...and amongst all the goings on ...and vain consuming activity ...and the weariness of it all ...we were as no different than any one else ...teaching this same schooling ...as this was our "living".

     Yet Behold ...a mighty shaking took place ...like an earthquake ...and the hole of the world began to suck ...and the shaking continued ...and peoples were separated out ...for one peoples fled from the worldly "freedom" ...while others fled to "purchased freedom" ...of the world ...and many went about to keep all that they had... and the "purchased freedom" that they believed in (that they had purchased with their lives) ...and to care for their own lives (the life they made for themselves ) to keep all things the same ...yet those of the world did not know ...that nothing would be the same again ...because of the shaking ...

     And we were rejected and cast out from among the worldly; who injoyed the freedom they had purchased ...and these told us to take the babes with us ...and the people who had lives in the world railed and mocked us saying ...Get you out of here ...for your life is not like our life ...for we will live in freedom ...and you will die homeless ...so we found ourselves homeless in the world ...for the world was no home to us ...and our freedom was not of this world ...and we were driven out ...so we had no life of our own ...as was allowed ...in the world. And to them we were as dead ...

     And Behold ...a mighty river appeared and flowed, and so mighty was it; that no one could cross it... save they ...went to the bridge ...to cross ...to cross ...the river ...a bridge was made ...though the bridge was very narrow ...and so narrow was the bridge that only a few could cross it ...and a dividing had taken place ...and there was many many many peoples who fled in all directions ...from the shaking ...even double crossing ...back sliding over the bridge again into the worldly ...of bought freedom...where they thought themselves to be saved ...Yet many who once crossed ...over the bridge ...never even thought about going back ...into the purchased freedom of the world ...

     And so we found our selves a cross the waters ...across the mighty river ...and I knew it would not be long that the river swept away the bridge ...and that none would be able to cross ...it again ...nevertheless we began to teach the children new things ...new truth... new love ...new freedom ...new life ...a new earth ...that they might have life ...and many others also came to teach the children ...and all were heartfull for the childrens sake ...and the old world of purchased freedom was never mentioned ...and it passed away with out mention ...utterly forgotten like a bad dream ...as the flood waters of the river of waters swept it away ...

     And the wife who had been with me in the world ...became pregnant ...and was to give birth to a child ...who had never been in the world ...and the child would be born into a new earth ...as well ...all lived in a new heaven ...and the old heaven (taught of the of old world) was gone ...for the old world and the old heaven ...had been swept away ...by the waters ...

     beware also ...for a man whose flesh was dark came over the bridge ...and put his hand to fix things that he thought were broken ...and i forbid him ...saying do nothing of your own thinking or of your own will ...put not your hand to anything ...save only do the will of God ...and he quit his own works and did from then on as the will of God was ...and the darkness left him and you became as the others who had crossed ...crossed ...the bridge ...who came over the river ...

     Look see also White church

     Look see the original "Lords Prayer" note the differences ..."thy will be fulfilled"? ...debts ? what's that cap H ? more ? may God our father open you heart to the "subtle" changes ...

     Original ...O' our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Let thy kingdom come. Thy will be fulfilled, as well in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our*trespasses, even as we forgive our trespassers. And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. For and if ye shall forgive other men their trespasses, your heavenly father shall also forgive you. But and ye will not forgive men their trespasses, no more shall your father forgive your trespasses.

     kjv 1611....Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.




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