God's Truth

WW2 Bomber 2...Doolittle and a friend..and souls in time .


     Behold a dream in the night season and in and of the season of man ...

     i was taken ...aback ...to a times ...and a time ...when young men were training to be ...to become bomber pilots ...at the school of bomber pilots ...and of all the students two were shown to me ...

     two young men were shown to me ...and the two young men were in the school together ...and with each other through all the tests ..and testing ...and training ...and moving and flying the bombers ...

     and during the testing ...and moving on the ground ...of the bombers ...were matters and measures of things shown me ...

     and they were this...there was an instructor of the class ...and the students ...and he being a rock honest man ...and one that feared God...and an worthy instructor ...did teach the young men fairly and honestly ...and all the students loved him ...

     Nevertheless came a day when ...as he was taxiing a bomber ...that a few unworthy students were in a place were they should not have been ...and he did not see them ...and might have ...save for the grace of God ...he might have killed the students ...only narrowly missing them ...

     and of this matter ...a report was to be made ...and if the report came back unfavorable...then the instructor who the students loved ...he would be fired and lose his career ...and the matters sore vexed the students ...and so much so ...that the students hoped ...that the instructor would falsely write the report ...and so to keep teaching them ...

     and Yet he would not do such a thing ...for he was a rock honest man ...that feared God ...and so the student worried over the fate of their instructor ...regarding his teaching them ...

     save this one student ...of the two young men spoken of before ...he worried not over the instructor ...for he too was an rock honest young man ...and feared God ...

     and it came to pass that ...that the instructor ...was forgiven the error ..by those that ruled over him ..and he remained an instructor ...for it was shown that the students ...a few ...a few unworthies ...would play and mock and ...do dangerous things ...like exampled ..one unworthy ..who ...played around ...a whirling propeller one day ...to show manlyness ...against danger ...nevertheless he was nearly killed ...and instead of looking manly ..he appeared foolish ...so for this reason the error on the part of the worthy instructor ...was forgiven ...

     Now ...back to the two ..young students ...a mentioned before ...as they went through their training together ...they had much friendship ..and were of truth ...somewhat like brothers ...

     Yet one ..appeared almost perfect in all things he did ...and the other ...the rock honest one ...who feared God ...he was messy ...in his writing and reports ...and somewhat ...not so ...perfect ...in the training ...

     more plainly ...both were exceedingly worthy pilots ...above most other students in skills ...and knowing of things ...yet one was meticulous ...and tidy ...while the other was moreso unkept ...and carefree ...the one being again ...the rock honest one that feared God...who was the unkept one ...unkept of worldly things ...

     and so much so was the the rock honest one..the one that feared God ...so untidy ...that come time for final testing ...though he was as said before ...and excellent pilot in all things ...his tests ...and paperwork required were ...untidy and a mess to look upon ...so much so that it might ...cause others to look upon him unfavorable ...

     Nevertheless the instructor ...saw all the worthiness in the young ...rock honest pilot that feared God...and knew whatsoever ...he was one of his best pilots ...even as worthy ...or moreso ...as the one who ...was tidy ...and flew well and did all things most perfectly ...

     and of all and in all things ...whether they be different or not of things and matters of things the two young men were as said before very close one to another ...even as brothers ...

     Now ...came a day when ...when all the students were preparing to leave ...for their training was finished ...and each of the two students wondered ..if they would ever see each other again ...as they knew of war and in war ...happens that they might not ...

     Now i was shown them in the hanger as they ...prepared to leave ...each going his own way to destiny ...wheresoever and doing what soever was needed of each ....

     and as i looked upon the two ...as they chatted... it seemed that two womans came to me to show me ...what was to become of them ...

     for the tidy one ...was shown to me ...and a name given ...saying Doolittle ...

     and the other was the young pilot who ...was shown to me before ...who gave his life ...so his crew could live ...

     even was also a mystery to me ...for afore i went to sleep ...a painfullness came to mine left side ...nearso unto my ribs ...now so in the dream ...seemed ...one of these young pilots ...later in the war ...was wounded samewise ..in the left side ..by shrapnel ...or flak ...while flying an mission...

     Yet whether it be Dolittle ...or the the other ...i do not know ...of surety ...yet seemed to me to be of Dolittle ...


     and it came to pass within the same dream ...a rushing ...from those times ...that time during WW2 ...to times ...and a time ...a nearer time ...a time to come ...

     and Behold ...a roaring ...like unto thunder ...and a shaking ...and a looking skyward ...and the noisesome ...roaring came ...like rolling thunder ...shaking and trembling as it came ...and i looked Heavenward ...an from the east came ...jets and planes ...of all and every measure ...and broken were they ...with wing tips missing ...or damaged ...dam ..aged ...in other ways ...and as if fleeing they flew ...to escape ...as though escaping ..and evil ..harmfullness that had come from the east ...that set upon them and destroyed at them ..and now so they thundered to escape the destruction ...

     and so much so was i shakened ...and quickened ...and trembled and tossed ...that i arose ...early in the mourning ...while it was still ...and still dark...outside ...still darkness of the early morning ...of the day ...and went to the outer most parts ...under the heavens to pray ...and an sign was given me ...in the coldness of the darkness ...to certify ...the needs be ...to record these matters ...for we are taught an history of the flesh ...seeing only in the flesh ...Yet is there and also an history ...of worthy doing and men who feared God and loved the truth ...in ...and of the spirit ...and their records are seldom shared ...

     Yet measure ...and discern ...history as we are taught ...of the flesh ...or history we are taught of God ...in the spirit ...whethersoever ...and of either ...comes our future ...measure and be quick about it ...discern it ...and pray ..be safe ..and be saved ...


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