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The Truth of the "time" we are in ...
1st Timothy and rightness...

And the measures and matters of The Truth of the "time" we are in ...how "man" ..."thought to change measures of matters and times ...
1st Timothy and rightness...

Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, how that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand year, and a thousand year as one day. The Lord is not slack to fulfil his promise, as some men count slackness: but is patient to us ward, and would have no man lost, but would receive all men to repentance.


     Behold in a dream of the night season of the season of man ...and the day after recorded ...

     the place was as a resort ...a place where peoples resorted ...like unto rows of town houses ...in the midst of waters ...save each of the peoples ...everyeachone ...even their family ...had a place provided for them ...everyeach one ...a place ...and that provided for them ...

     Now i wondered of the measures of matters ...and was opened to me that a very wealthy man ...and worthy ..had provided this place ...of its many places ...for the peoples to have habitations ...for to live in these places freely ...and i was astounded ...

     and given to me was many keys ...and to me was given duty to ..be a caretaker of ten of these places ...ten town houses ...to look after ...and to keep worthy ...for the peoples living in them ...that was an duty given me to do ...to perform ...and i was the more astounded ...

     Evenso ...as i went about to learn the measures of matters ..and the things needs be learned for to keep these places ...well ...and worthy for the peoples ...so i did ..and looked to every measure of every matter for to perform the keeping well ...of these ten places ...where the peoples had habitations ...thereof ...and therein ...

     Now the peoples walked anywhere soever the would on hard pavement ...of side walks ..and roads ...and it seemed to me to be a hard thing for them ...for i used the water ways ...and the way of the water to get around ...and it seemed so much easier to go roundabout ...and to look to measures of matters ...using the water way ...than to walk on the hard pavement and concrete sidewalks ...

     Nevertheless ...few if any would ...use the water way ...and i did not understand why ...

     Now it came to pass that i was shown other places like unto this one that i was to be caretaker of ...and that all seemed to be the same ...like wise ...town houses ...in the midst of water ways ...and hard pavement and hard concrete side walks ...

     and so i thought that there were others ...living ...the same wise as these ...in these town houses ... that i was given to be caretaker of ...and Behold it was true ...

     and i met another ...who like me ...whose duty was ..to do the same ...be caretaker of the habitations ...of the peoples ...and he also had keys ...for the habitations that he was to look after ...and take care of ...

     and i thought ...this seems very pleasant ...for to meet another that does the same thing i am to do ...and maybe he would help me and to show me what he knew ...about the devices of the places ...and the habitations ...of these peoples ...so that i would know better how to keep them ...

     Yet i was shown that this man ...walked too ..only on the hard places and concrete and pavement ...and used not the waterway ...which was much easier to go about in ...rather than the way of hardness ...

     and the more was shown me of this man ...for he really of truth ..had no heart to look after the living and the habitations of the people ...

     For behold ...as i talked with him ...he said ...look see i have the keys th=o the places given me to have charge over ...and these places where the people stay ...

     Yet said he ...that he had no desire to do this thing anymore ...and threw his keys to me ...and said ...her you look after these also ...while i go about ...and be on my own way ...and do what pleases me ...and i was astounded ...

     for i knew it was given him of the mighty and wealthy man ...to do the same as was given me to do ...

     and yet he would not do it anymore ...though he would not have it known to the mighty and wealthy man who had provided for the peoples ...

     Nevertheless the habitations and livings of the peoples needs be looked after ...and i really had no choice as to accept the keys or not ...or to tell the beneficent wealthy man ...or not ...for the keys were thrown to me ...as the man ...did not any longer desire to look after the habitations of the peoples ...

     and it was plain ...that this one ( who threw his keys at me ..or to me ) would not escape the wealthy mans watching ...for the mighty man who had provided all things ...knew all things and measures of matters of keeping his people ...and those that did not desire to do ...their duty ...he knew in an instant ...

     Nevertheless i went the more round about ...on the water way ...doing ...that what i was shown to do ...and abled to do ..and strengthened to do ...that i did ...

     Now it came to pass that i watched the peoples as they walked amidst and among one another ...on the hard ways ..pavement ...and concrete ...and the peoples bumped into each other and bruised each other ...and evenso some ran head long into one another hurting ...or even grievously knocking one another down ...evenso they went on their way ...

     and the hardness and rudeness and hurting and harm of it all sore moved in mine heart ...at the wonder of why they would do such a thing ...as they went on their way ...their own ways doing what seemed right to them ...and that quickly ...and with no regard ...neither equity ...

     Now as i wondered and question came to heart and soul and mind ...before i was able to ask in prayer ...of God my father ..or else Jesus my brother ...(answer would be the same of either ) ...

     Nevertheless ...a woman ...came to me ...and said ..."the answers you seek are in 1st Timothy ..."

     and so i looked diligently to 1st Timothy ...and was shown to me the ORDER of God for unto the peoples ...and how these of the latter days ...have gone away from the plain order ...making up in their own imaginations... a similitude of order and rightness ...Yet have and do walk in the hard way and ways they have labored and made and builded for themselves ...

     and the more ...and the worse ...for their "bibles of man" ...that they have changed to their own thinking and imaginations ...show exactly how these have gone their own ways ...and left the way of the waters ...the verity of his truth ...and the spirit thereof ...of God through Jesus ...

     Nevertheless for links to the compar i son ...of the Truth of God and the "bibles of man" ...for to show any the measures of the matters shown me ...look see !!!

     New Test a ment ...and scroll ...down to 1st Timothy ....


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